MAA 2023 Benefits Guide

Important Health Plan Notices

Click here to view the Annual Health Plan Notices for 2023.

Note: This guide describes some of the benefit plans available to you as an employee of MAA. This guide is meant to only cover the major points of each plan,and it does not contain all of the details of the plans. This guide is not intended to be a legal document. A more detailed description of each benefit, including Summary Plan Descriptions (SPDs) for certain benefit plans, may be found in PowerDMS, or by contacting the Benefits Department at (877) 277-2327 or . If there is any difference between the information provided in this benefits guide and provisions of the legal plan documents, the plan documents govern. MAA reserves the right to terminate, suspend, withdraw, amend or modify these plans described in this benefits guide at any time and for any reason. MAA does not guarantee, and does not have any responsibility for, the tax, legal or other ramifications of an associate's participation in any employee benefit plan.


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