Cocktail Culture 2.0, 2018

BEACH VIBE — 1-1/2 oz. Coconut Rum — 2 oz. Pineapple Juice — 1 Splash of Grenadine Syrup — Finish with Lemon Twist

WALBERTON’S ® ICON™ Black Scallop Ajuga reptans

Simply the best Ajuga with midnight-dark foliage, rich blue blooms, and great adaptability to a variety of soils. Black Scallop is perfectly named and prized as a remarkable ground-cover. Known for its glossy dark scalloped leaves beautifully arranged in a radiating pattern, and a dense compact habit. Foliage color is intensified both in full sun and cooler temperatures. This stunning groundcover is decorated in late spring with intense deep-blue flowers held on small flower spikes. Black Scallop is an excellent container and accent plant for the modern landscape. Garden life is more fun on the dark side.

Combine first three ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice and shake vigorously. Pour contents and ice into a glass and garnish with a lemon twist..

USDA Zone: Bloom Period:

Zone-4 hardy (-30°F / -34°C) Spring through early summer


Ground hugging 2- to 3 inches

Garden Height:

Propagation: pH/EC: Fertilizer: Day Temp: Night Temp:

Unrooted cuttings 5.5-6.2 / 0.7-0.8

225 ppm

62 to 70°F (17 to 21°C) 55 to 60°F (13 to 16°C)



Finish Times from Liner: Quart

6-8 weeks 10-12 weeks


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