Embracing New Opportunities: Welcome to the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year! As we bid farewell to the 2023-2024 fiscal year, I want to extend our deepest gratitude for your unwavering support and active participation throughout the year. Your dedication has been instrumental in our shared successes and the continued growth of our Chamber community. We are thrilled to welcome the new 2024-2025 fiscal year with renewed energy and optimism. Recently, our Board of Directors and Chamber staff gathered for an in-depth planning session, laying out a strategic roadmap to enhance our services and deliver even greater value to our members. With these changes, we will welcome new Action Teams, embrace more technology, and create more opportunities for our members. More to come in the next fiscal year. As we wrap up the fiscal year, your timely payment of invoices is crucial to our ability to effectively implement these initiatives. We kindly ask that you ensure all outstanding invoices are settled promptly, allowing us to allocate resources efficiently and continue offering top-tier programs and services. In closing, we are excited to announce that nominations are now open for the 2024 Excellence in Business Awards! This is a wonderful opportunity to recognize and celebrate the exceptional businesses and individuals who make our community special. We encourage you to nominate those who have demonstrated outstanding achievements and contributions. Click HERE to nominate. Thank you once again for your continued commitment to the Chamber. Together, we can achieve remarkable things in the year ahead.

Warm regards,

Eli Matthews, IOM President & CEO The Chamber of Medford & Jackson County


The Business Review | July 2024

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