King's Business - 1938-05


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

May, 1938

SPECIAL PREMIUMS WITH THE KING’S BUSINESS Emphasizing Child Evangelism in the Sunday-School

THE KING’S BUSINESS has selected a num| ber of appealing childhood Bible stories to be given as premiums with subscriptions during the next thirty days. Here are five fascinating books that any child would delight to have and read, each attracting the attention, stimulating the imag­ ination, and leaving a distinct Christian impression upon the growing mind. Any of these books will be given free with a* year’s subscription to THE KING’S BUSINESS, at the rates quoted below. The premiums offered below represent a won­ derful opportunity for Sunday-school teachers to secure free with THE KING’S BUSINESS some valuable books that will prove most acceptable in their class work. Childhood Bible Story Series “ The Loving Care of Jesus” Adapted for children four and five years o f age; 32 pages, colored illustrations, decorated cover. Five copies sent free with a year’s subscription to THE KING’S BUSINESS at $1.30. Extra copies 12 cents each. “Daring to Do Right” Adapted for children eight and nine year's o f age; 32 pages, colored illustrations. Bound in paper. Three copies free with a year’s subscription to THE KING’S BUSINESS at $1.50. Extra copies 22 cents each. THE KING’S BUSINESS

Bible Hero Story Series By J. H. Shonkw iler “David”

True to the W ord in both narrative and spirit. Awakens in the reader a desire to learn more from the Book o f books from which the story is taken. 32 pages. Four copies free with a year’s subscription to THE KING'S BUSINESS, at $1.50. Extra copies 18 cents each. Standard Bible Story Reader By Lillie A. Faris Bible stories predominating, with nature stories, child­ hood poems, patriotic lessons, and songs for little voices included; 80 colored illustrations, 128 pages. One copy given with a year’s subscription to THE KING’S BUSINESS, at $1.55. Extra copies 80 cents each. “ Bible Treasures" Sixteen pages o f the choicest portions of H oly W rit ex­ quisitely illustrated in color. Contains the Twenty-Third Psalm, the Beatitudes, the Ten Commandments, the Lord’s Prayer, the Love Chapter, Christ’s Prayer for Unity, the Bible Psalm, the A biding Chapter, and other precious Scriptures. Junior workers can use “ Bible Treasures’* as a com ­ bination m em ory and reward book. Parents can give it to their children; churches can present it to new converts. Six copies free with a year’s subscription to THE KING’S BUSINESS, at $1.50. Extra copies 12 cents each. (2 5 c additional for each Canadian or foreign sub­ scription.) Los Angeles, California “ The Primer” (First G rade)

558 South Hope Street


A b ook o f 52 ob ject talks that have been used by the author with great success. The objects used are articles that can be found around your own home, such as hammer, milk bottle, clock, flashlight, etc. These lessons appeared several years ago in “ The K ing’s Busi­ ness’* ............. ................................$ 1.00 • EVANGELISTIC CHALK TALKS Frank A. Miller This well-known children's evan­ gelist here gives some of his chalk talks drawn from his vast wealth of knowledge of how effectively to reach children ...............................2 5 c • FIRESIDE STORIES FOR GIRLS IN THEIR TEENS Margaret W. Eggleston W ho can measure the influence of a purposeful story when told at the right time and in the right way? Remember it was the story of a deep-sea fisherman that sent W il­ fred Grenfell to the Labrador! 26 stories in this b o o k . . . ............. $1.25

The author here presents some t-hings of prime importance in the work of Child Evangelism that he has learned b y experience. . . . Il­ lustrations and stories. . . . Sug­ gestions that will “ kindle thought, stir desire, and set the heart on fire. An excellent collection of methods, stories, etc...................$ 1.00 • AROUND THE CAMP FIRE WITH THE OLDER BOYS Margaret W . Eggleston This book is designed to meet the need of the many busy teachers of boys who know perhaps just what ideal they wish to present but can­ not find quite the story that will help present it ..............................$1.25 • THE GOSPEL OBJECT BOOK C, ff. Woolston A handbook on object teaching for ministers and for teachers of chil­ dren and adults. Simple, surpris­ ing, and something to wonder a b o u t .......................................................

These are stories of people both young and old who have proved that the Christian virtues of love, faith, hope, self-sacrifice, obedience, self-control, and service make life bigger and stronger and more use­ ful. Each o f them can be effec­ tively correlated with the Bible by song, prayer, and music to illu­ minate the teaching of Bible truth . . $1.50 • OBJECTS THAT TALK AND TEACH Louis To Talbot Dr. Talbot’s success in giving ob ­ ject talks to the boys and girls of his Los Angeles congregation on Sunday mornings has been one of the outstanding features of his pas­ torate of the Church of the Open D oor. In this book he has com ­ piled some of those which have proved most worth w hile............. 50c

(Postage is extra on books here advertised; customers in California will add 3% sales tax.)

BIOLA BOOK ROOM 560 South Hope St.______ Los Angeles, California



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