King's Business - 1938-05

May, 1938

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


DO YOU REALIZE That over 2,000,000 Jews are gathered in. New York? That this much neglected field is a chal­ lenge to Christian missions? That the New York Jewish Mission, founded in 1908 by the saintly Dr. Thos. M. Chalmers , is striving zealously to reach them ? That this faith work is depen­ dent upon your cooperation by gift and prayer? Subscribe for our monthly “ JEWISH MISSION - ARY MAGAZINE ,” $1.00 per annum. Sample free. Write R ev . F rederick A. A ston New York Jewish Evangelization Society P. 0. Box 19, Hamilton Grange Sta., New York, N. Y. Just what you have been look in g fo r ! BIBLE STUntc^ AO/?''YOUNG P EO PLE'S J r SO C IE T IE S With the use of this Course, t Young People’s Society may " be converted into a School for Bible Training. '1 9 3 8 . Course in Bible Prophecy God’s Program for the Future A Scriptural Study Each Week—52 Lessons. What Prophecy Is, IIow It Can Be Interpreted, Its Relationship to the Jew, the Gentile, and the Church. Send 15c in stamps for current issue. : hristian publications . me 1506 THIRD ST., HARRISBURG, PA. For a moving service that not only gets your things on their way, but DELIVERS THE GOODS Safely Economically Quickly

is this: There is going on quietly, almost imperceptibly to some under its influence, a spiritual movement of heart separation from the visible and tangible to the unseen pres­ ence of the Lord Himself and eternal realities. T o those who are capable of dis­ cerning it, this movement, entirely spiritual, is the proof transcending all others that our Lord’s coming is imminent.— M c K illiam . “ Thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before God” (Acts 10:4). “ Thy prayers and alms are registered in heaven,” God’s shining angel to Cornelius said: “ Full credit for thy many alms is given, Th y fervent prayers are well interpreted!” So, then, our prayers are registered in heaven! These feeble prayers— petitions poorly framed; Our daily prayers, at morning, noon, and even; Our public prayers, which leave us oft ashamed. In Jesus’ name, our prayer-path must be trod—• All prayer is answered! Yea, that pledge is given; No vain request was ever made to God, Or why should prayers be registered in heaven? — W in ifr e d A. I verson . “ They that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts” (Gal. 5:24). The love o f Christ is strong as death, kills all opposite affections, and alone is worthy of the soul—-the noble, immortal soul. How it is abased when drawn down to sensuality, and so made a slave to its servant—the flesh! A Roman philosopher says: “ I am greater, and born to greater things than to be a slave to my body.” How is it that being capable of the highest good we should forget ourselves so far as to serve vile lusts? God hath called us to holiness.— L eighton . JUNE 19 God-given Work “ The work whereunto I have called them” (Acts 13:2). The purpose of God in this age is the calling out of the church. The method em­ ployed is the preaching of the glad tidings that Christ died on the cross, a vicarious sin offering, the saving merit of which avails for any one who will believe on Him. The saving offer is made to all, and this is not in mockery but in good faith, as expressing the desire of God for the salva­ tion of all. The one commission with which we are invested is to proclaim that message to every creature, to baptize those who by receiving it become the disciples of Christ, and to instruct such baptized believers in all righteousness. Our character as such heralds is that of ambassadors who are, in Christ’s stead, to beseech sinners to be reconciled to God.— C. I. S cofield . JUNE 17 Registered JUNE 18 Love or Lust?

JUNE 13 Enabled by Christ “ Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself” (Mk. 12:31). T o transfer all interests, ambitions, and desires to another, or even to share them with another, is next to impossible. It is quite impossible in the natural. In the last analysis the root of the difficulty lies in the fact that the preceding injunction of loving God with all one’s redeemed faculties has never been fully obeyed. Self still retains the throne that should be occupied by God alone. And self never divides honors! There is but one solution: The Holy Spirit! He will reveal the law of double reckoning: “Reckon . . . yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ out Lord,” and He will furnish the power which makes this reckoning efficacious. P ameii . JUNE 14 Consecrated by Blood “Kill the ram, and take of his blood, and put it upon the tip of the right ear of Aaron, and upon the tip of the right ear of his sons, and upon the thumb of their right hand" (Ex. 29:20). The priests of Christ are never off duty. The garments of salvation are to be worn every day; religion is not a cloak which we put on in the vestibule of the church and leave there until we come again. It is the everyday dress of the dedicated life. . . . With the blood of the consecrated offering the right ear of the priest was touched, signifying his consecration to the hearing of the word of God ; the right hand was touched, dedicating the hands to holy duty; the right foot was touched, pledging the feet to walk in the paths o f righteous­ ness. These acts signified the devotion of the whole life to the will of God. Touched by the pierced hand we, too, are dedicated. — J ohn M ac B eath . JUNE 15 Junction, Not a Terminus “But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept” (1 Cor. 15:20). In no other fact of history can we find a fact which mediates between eternity and time like that of the resurrection. It unites two worlds that are already one: it bears witness to the largeness of a life that knows no death, and which is as real as the sky above us, and the earth beneath our feet. W e rob human hearts of a fortitude to which they are entitled if we withhold this triumphant message. . . . W e should strive to make men and women accustomed to the thought of that vital life in Christ Jesus, which knows no cessation, even though it may seem to be interrupted by death. In a word, we should be constantly affirming that death is never a terminus, but only a junction.—T . W ilkinson R iddle . JUNE 16 An Upward Calling “Seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth” (Col. 3:1). Among many of us there is the deepest conviction growing day by day that the end of the age is upon us. If the Holy Ghost is doing one thing more than another today it

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