King's Business - 1938-05


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

May, 1938

JUNE 20 True Consecration

“ Who then is willing to consecrate his service this day unto the Lord?” (1 Chron. 29:5). The word “consecrate” is a particularly interesting word as we find it in the Old Testament. The same English word has to do duty for three Hebrew words which contain a definite meaning and emphasis. There is one word, for example, which means “ to devote.” There is another which means “to separate.” But the one used by David possessed a more timely and prac­ tical significance. The word used in his appeal to the nation means “ to fill the hand.” W e can see how appropriate such a word would be in connection with the build­ ing of the temple. When we are able to say that we have our hands full in the Master’s service, we are illustrating this particular type of consecration.— Life of Faith. JUNE 21 Wisdom’s Roots “ The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Prov. 9:10). “ The fear of the Lord” is sensitiveness toward the Lord. It is the opposite of hard­ ness, unfeelingness, benumbment. The soul that fears God lies exposed before Him in a sensitiveness that discerns His most silent approach. The life is like a sensitive plate exposed to the light, and it records the faintest ray. . . . This sensitiveness toward God is one of the roots of the blessed life. T o thrill to His faintest breathings, to hear the still small voice, to catch the first dim light of new revelations, to be exquisitely responsive to the movements of the Father, this is the great primary rootage o f a full and blessed life.— J. H. J owett . JUNE 22 Our Strength o f Security “ And when I see the blood, 1 will pass over you” (Ex. 12:13). If you are a believing soul, you have con­ sciously cast yourself upon the Lord Jesus Christ— His death for your atonement— His substitution in your place— His blood instead of your life. It may have been done vaguely; you may not have done it in words; but somehow or other, if you are a believer, the essence of your faith is this—that you are resting on Christ. It may be, I say, vague trust which, perhaps, you hardly like tremblingly to avow to yourself. . . . It is a tried foundation, for God is faithful to His promise.— A rthur B lackwood . JUNE 23 A Land o f Heart Rest “Now therefore arise, go over this Jordan . . . unto the land which I do give” (Josh. 1 : 2 ) . . _ In Canaan the Israelites had a home after homelessness. . . . And so it is with the believing soul. It, too, has entered into the Sabbath rest of God. It, too, has come home from the wilderness to the Father’s house. In Christ crucified it has discovered the secret of peace. Formerly the intellect turned for satisfaction to the tangled labyrinth of history. . . . The conscience sought righteous­ ness in its own painfully acquired beliefs, in its own scrupulous worship and diligent labors. . . . The heart looked for the treasure

Christian Training at Stony Brook The very central purpose of Stony Brook School is a spiritual one. The founders believed that Stony Brook should be a strong college preparatory school where the dominating influence is evangelical. Instructors are selected on the basis of their Christian faith as well as scholarship, experience, and personality. Daily chapel exercises, visiting preachers of note, Morning Watch, Bible study required of all, and student deputation teams all contribute to the enrichment o f a boy’s Christian experience.

Fathers and mothers appreciate the importance of these influences in early life. “ Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it,” said Solomon (Prov. 22:6). Plans should note be made for fall entrance. A new Stony Brook catalogue may be had on request.

t o n u f i r o o k J c h o o l Please mention King's Business Frank E. Gaebelein, Litt.D., Headmaster , Stony Brook, Long Island, N. Y.

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