King's Business - 1938-05


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

May, 1938

SONG AT TWILIGHT [Continued from Page 199] when jobs are so scarce. Did you finish college?” “ Couldn’t afford it. I had only one year. Can’t afford to get married either without a job, and I have to help a little in the support of my own family. W e’ve postponed the wedding.” “ Oh, you were going to be married?” “ Yes, sir.” Tom felt very sorry for him­ self just then. The man’s eyes softened. “ I’ll give you a chanfce. Can you shovel coal?” Tom gulped. He could shovel coal. But he couldn’t tell Mary Louise. What would she think of his having a job like this? At noon a black-faced, coal-dust-covered young man threw down his shovel, climbed out of the coal car, washed his face and hands in the factory washroom, and walked six blocks home to dinner and back again. At night he went to the Y. M. C. A. for a shower and a swim, and went home and to bed. He was very tired. The days dragged by. It was really too hard work for him. He’d have to get an­ other job, something lighter— and something of which he was not ashamed. But he’d stick it out, still doubting that Mary Louise had forgiven him, still feeling his inferiority. He wasn’t good enough for her. Saturday noon came. The big factory whistle shrieked out twelve o’clock. His pay envelope held twenty-two dollars. Ten hours a day, he had worked. In the afternoon he rested some, and at eight he was on the front porch at the Haynes’ home. “Where’s Mary Louise?” he asked Mrs. Haynes. “ Didn’t she tell you? She’s at the Five and Ten Cent Store. Started work there Wednesday.” Mary Louise at the Five and T en! Marv Louise working! “Why didn’t she tell me?” “ I guess she wanted to surprise you.” Surprise wasn’t the word. He simply couldn’t see her clerking in the dime store. Why, she had never had to work in her life! “What time does she get off tonight?” “ Ten o’clock,” she told him. At a quarter of ten he stopped at her counter and bought a ten-cent wash tie, a brown and white one. She picked it out for him. “This’ll go well with your brown eyes,” Mary Louise said, smiling. Is there anything else?” “ Nothing. Unless I can have the sales­ lady herself. How much?” She smiled again and whispered with eyes dancing, “ Only your love, Tom .” Then, “ I’ll be with you in ten minutes. You’d better move along,” she suggested, playfully stern. He passed on. Seeing her again drove the blues away, somehow. But why was she working? T o help him? He wouldn’t have it! They took the street car home. “ I won’t have you working!” he said with finality. “Why not?” “ I don’t want you to.” “Well, I’m going to. So there!” Her tone was playful but firm. “ You see I have to work.”

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