C+S March 2020 Vol. 6 Issue 3 (web)


march 2020 New York Build Expo 2020 March 3-4 – New york, ny

Group’s CEO Chad Clinehens, PE, moderates the program guiding group conversations, encouraging integration and networking, and ensuring attendees gain valuable insight, new ideas and tools – and a new network of colleagues – to foster effective leadership at their respective firms. https://shop.zweiggroup.com/collections/events/products/ceo-roundtab le?variant=30872177377315 During the next 10 years, over 50 percent of AEC firms are expected to increase their use of doer-sellers, yet many do not have the training or skills to succeed. In order to grow into a position of leadership, they need the skills and know-how to strategize, build and deepen relationships, and win more work. Zweig Group’s Elevating Doer-Sellers: Intensive 2 Day Workshop is designed specifically for technical professionals in AEC firms. https://shop.zweiggroup.com/collections/events/products/elevating- doer-sellers?variant=30892964577352 elevating doer-sellers april 15-16 – san francisco, ca

NewYork Build is the largest construction & design show in NewYork, is officially supported by the Governor of New York, and is FREE to attend. New York Build features: 20,000+ registered attendees, 250+ exhibitors, 230+ speakers,AIACES approved workshops, entertainment & business networking. https://www.newyorkbuildexpo.com/welcome?_ke= The Geosynthetics Case Study Conference is a must-attend event featuring geotechnical practitioners, designers, regulators, contractors, and installers coming together at this specialized edition of the highly respected Geosynthetics Conference. Start making plans now to attend this educational and trade show event to learn about the many unique uses of geosynthetics through a variety of case studies. https://www.ifai.com/event/geosynthetics-conference-2020-case- studies/ The Principals Academy is Zweig Group’s flagship training program encompassing all aspects of managing a professional AEC service firm. Elevate your ability to lead and grow your firm at this impactful two-day program designed to inspire and inform existing and emerging AEC firm leaders in key areas of firm management leadership, financial management, recruiting, marketing, business development, and project management. https://shop.zweiggroup.com/collections/events/products/the- principals-academy?variant=30871357259811 International Lidar Mapping Forum (ILMF) is a technical conference and exhibition showcasing the latest airborne, terrestrial, and underwater lidar as well as emerging remote-sensing and data collection tools and technologies. With a special emphasis on data acquisition, fusion, integration, processing, and visualization, ILMF is the must-attend event for professionals involved in utility asset management, transportation, urban modeling, coastal zone mapping, and more. https://www.lidarmap.org/ april 2020 Geosynthetics Conference March 8-10 – Charleston, SC The Principals Academy March 12-13 – dallas, tx International LiDAR Mapping Forum March 23-25 – Washington, D.C.

Design-Build for Water/Wastewater Conference april 20-22 – dallas, tx

The Design-Build for Water/Wastewater Conference brings professionals together for three days of dynamic speakers, networking events, and the latest on design-build trends in the water/wastewater sector. https://dbia.org/conferences/design-build-for-water-wastewater- conference/

S t r u c t u ra l E n g i n e e r s A x i o m # 7 Structural Engineers Axiom #7

Professional Liability is essential. Overpaying is not. Professional Liability is Essential. Overpaying s Not.

I t pays to have the right profes- sional liability coverage. But you shouldn’t overpay. At Fenner & Esler, we’re more than just brokers. We’re A/E specialists. Delivering the right coverage and value to design firms of all sizes since 1923. With multiple insurance carriers. And a proven track record serving the unique risks of structural engineers. At Fenner & Esler, we’re more than just brokers. We’re A/E specialists. Delivering the right coverage and value to design firms of all sizes since 1923. With multiple insurance carriers. And a proven track record serving the unique risks of structural engineers. It pays to have the right profes- sional liability coverage. But you shouldn’t overpay.

Get a quote—overnight. Visit: www.fenner-esler.com Click “Need a Quote” Call toll-free: 866-PE-PROTEK (866-737-7683 x.208) Ask for Tim Esler. Email: tesler@fenner-esler.com im@Insuranc 4Structurals.com ww .insurance4structurals.com Get a quote—overnight. i it: w.insurance4structurals.com lick “Need a Quote” ll toll-free: 866-PE-PROTEK ( 66-737-7683 x.208) Ask for Tim Esler. Email: ti @Insurance4Structurals.com

ceo roundtable retreat april 2-3 – atlanta, ga

The CEO Roundtable Retreat is a unique opportunity for AEC firm leaders to engage and interact with industry peers to discuss current issues facing firms today, explore industry trends and next practices, and confront the biggest challenges they face leading their firms. Zweig

T H E P RO F E S S I O N A L ’ S C H O I C E S I N C E 1 9 2 3


csengineermag.com march 2020

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