Decarbonisation Highlights
B uilding & energy decarbonisation aims to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from energy sources, contributing to climate change. By upgrading homes to electricity instead of natural gas, we can eliminate emissions and improve indoor air quality, ultimately reducing the overall impact on the environment.
Energy Efficiency Dramatically change all electric equipment with energy star certified appliances. Electrification Replacing the equipment in the building that uses fossil fuels with the latest electric technology Renewable Energy to use source of electricity from renewable energy to avoid greenhouse gas emissions Managed Electricity Loads Shift energy use to different times of the day to reduce the impact on the energy grid,
How it’s Work?
Strategic initiative
Advanced cooling system offers higher performance compared to conventional cooling, reducing time, money, and space in heat pump systems. Advanced building cooling system
Rooftop solar Installation
Rainwater Harvesting (RWH) RWH reduces erosion, controls stormwater runoff, minimizes flooding impacts, and reduces drainage system load.
Solar energy reduces carbon footprint without polluting the environment or depleting natural resources.
MSCA 2023 I VOL.5
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