Voice at 5 Learning Document

For Alassane, a genderqueer, non-binary person from Mali, the journey has been one of gender discrimination and violence, leading to a growing awareness of injustice. Alassane translated this into activist engagement and calls to action. For the group of courageous persons with psychosocial disability supported by and united in IMHA, a similar organisational path was travelled. One of self-discovery, finding and coming to voice, researching to know more, seeking alliances and collaboration with others, all leading to an even stronger drive to fight for their own rights. And also, to fight for the rights of people with psychosocial disabilities and demand the government’s attention and action. These stories show a journey of self-awareness, resilience and strength needed to overcome these barriers, and the will and curiosity to engage with the unknown. Common quests of rightsholder groups and human rights defenders supported by Voice are for basic human rights, the right to life and identity, the

right to land and resources, the right to social services such as health and education, as well as opportunities needed to pursue their goals. They demonstrate a counter-narrative of what is possible when we find our voice and confidence and contribute together with those around us for a more equal, respectful, and compassionate world. In this document, we bring learnings from the work and conversations with Voice grantee partners and rightsholders, through their stories and adventures, their endurance and, at times, great advances. We reflect on the journey of Voice, a fund for inclusion and innovation, from its inception in 2015 until its fifth anniversary in April 2021. So much has happened and changed since we started out in 2016, within the programme and the world in which we live, not in the least due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Since the launch of the grant facility in September 2016, we have gotten to know and work with more than 1000 organisations and groups, and experienced amazing moments of creative sharing and learning. Jointly we explored how to foster inclusion, how to be innovative in the grant-making and the projects supported, and how to co-create a vibrant linking and learning space where we all learn and grow. The flow of the report describes processes that Voice, as a reliable partner in this journey, has utilised to enable change. It begins with the grants and grant-making exercises that enable the identified rightsholders to commence and continues their journeys of change. The next part of the document describes how the work and experiences of grantee partners contributed to their own empowerment and needed social change. The changes are organic yet still designed, and there is a Theory of Change that is narrated through actual case studies of partners.

The third part describes on-the-ground experiences. Every single day and with every engagement the Voice team learns something from the rightsholders and these learnings and ‘AHA!’ moments are captured in the Linking and Learning Chapter. While its sections can be read as three stand alone focus pieces, it is best to read the document right through. The learning in one area invites us to look at what adjustment is needed in the other areas as well, to course correct and integrate emerging developments or new assumptions.” “The Voice@5 celebration was a moment to acknowledge this exciting journey thus far. With close to 300 connections over 11 countries, we celebrated the Magic of our Voice(s). The document is populated with images and quotes from this and other events.”

In 2016 was just words on paper. “400+ grants,

we are

1000+ partners and 5000+ Linking and Learning activities



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