are under appropriate treatment and care of a Physician.
You will be required to file a claim with the Claims Administrator to be considered for Weekly Benefits. You will also be required to give the Claims Administrator periodic proof acceptable to it that your Disability continues. Such proof will be provided at your expense. To file a claim, you must call the Claims Administrator at 1-888-408-7300.
When do Weekly Benefits end? The Employer will pay the Weekly Benefit until the earliest of the following dates:
You cease to be Disabled or Partially Disabled;
2. You are no longer under the appropriate treatment and care of a Physician;
The end of the maximum benefit period under the STD Plan;
4. You fail to give any required proof of continued Disability or Partial Disability or to provide any other requested information on a timely basis;
5. You fail to comply with a request to be examined by an independent Physician;
You make a material misrepresentation to obtain benefits;
7. You cease to be classified as an Eligible Employee eligible for an STD Plan benefit by the Employer; or
The date of your death.
How is the Weekly Benefit calculated? If you are Disabled, your Weekly Benefit will equal 60% of your Basic Weekly Earnings, reduced by Other Income, up to a maximum of $2,000 per week. Benefits payable for less than one week will be paid to you at the rate of 1/7th of the Weekly Benefit amount for each day of Disability. The Weekly Benefit will be reduced by all applicable withholding and deductions, including but not limited to tax withholding and deductions for contributions for benefits for which you are eligible (this excludes the 401(k) plan). Benefits for Partial Disability are explained below. What happens if I return to work and become Disabled again? If you are Disabled, return to work, and become Disabled again due to the same or a related cause, the second disability will be considered a continuation of the first period of disability as long as you had returned to work for fourteen calendar days or less. If your second Disability is unrelated to the first, or if you have returned to work for more than fourteen calendar days on a full-time basis, the second period of Disability will be considered a separate claim and a new Elimination Period must be satisfied before benefits will become payable.
What happens if I am Partially Disabled?
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