North County Water & Sports Therapy Center August 2018

BACK TO SCHOOL MEANS MORE TIME SITTING IN SCHOOL AND DOING HOMEWORK! Encourage healthy habits at an early age. Statistics have shown that the majority of young people do not meet the national exercise guidelines for children and teens, which recommends they be involved in moderate to vigorous physical activity for at least 60 minutes each day. Ways to promote physical activity for your kids:

• Be a role model: If your children see you being physically active, they are more likely to be active themselves.

• Play with your kids; help them learn a new sport. • Give them active toys, like balls, bikes, and jump ropes. • Limit TV Time.

• Check out https://www. Look under the “Fitness” tab for articles and ideas on keeping kids physically active.

• Make it fun.

Studies have revealed that watching too much TV and other sedentary behaviors increase risk of obesity.

Children who watch more than 3 hours of TV a day have a 65% greater chance of being obese compared to those who watch less than one hour. Kids who have a TV in their bedroom watch 56% more TV on a daily average compared to those who don’t have a TV in their room. Lou, D. Sedentary Behaviors and Youth: Current Trends and the Impact on Health. San Diego, CA: Active Living Research; 2014. Available from:

Our staff encourages activity with their kids by going out and being active as a family! Here is Britani’s family being active together paddleboarding.

Don’t have any children? Share this with someone who does!

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