October Kitchen - January 2022

There’s plenty of emphasis lately on what you should eat before a workout, but not so much about after a workout. What you eat after exercising is just as essential for maximizing your workout’s effectiveness. After intensive exercise, many of us will feel hungry and turn to just about anything to satiate our hunger, but the wrong food could negate the effects of our workouts. During your workout, you will use up your body’s carbohydrates and the glucose stored in your muscles. A proper post-workout meal, including the right fluids, is necessary to replenish these nutrients. When preparing the perfect post-workout meal, there are three areas you should focus on. Protein Including protein in your post-workout meal is important to repair and build muscle. Muscle tissues get broken down during exercise, and protein helps put them back together stronger than before. Eggs, tuna, chicken and Greek yogurt are great sources of protein and should be implemented into your post-workout meal. Carbs Carbs are essential for replenishing your body’s glycogen levels. Glycogen is the fuel that helps keep us moving and 3 THINGS TO INCLUDE IN YOUR POST- WORKOUT MEAL

active. If you feel exhausted and hungry after a workout, it’s usually your body telling you that your glycogen levels are low. Including carbs such as sweet potatoes, rice, oatmeal, pasta and chocolate milk in your post-workout meal will help you feel energized and ready to continue with your day. Fluids You should always drink water while working out and continue to do so after your exercise is complete. Water regulates your body temperature, lubricates your joints, and transports nutrients throughout your body. In one hour of exercise, your body can lose more than a quarter of its water. Continue to drink water or other hydrating drinks after your workout to replenish your missing fluids. Lastly, avoid having a giant fast-food meal after exercising. There are plenty of options for preparing a truly beneficial post-workout meal, so find what makes you feel your best and what you enjoy most and run with it.

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can hire people to print bigger, better labels. It might seem like a small task among my many responsibilities, but that’s precisely why it amazes me — everything is easier. But none of it would be possible without some very important people: my incredible team and my incredible customers. Without you, and without our amazing staff, my ultimate dream of growing October Kitchen into a nationwide franchise would be unthinkable, but thanks to the support of my team and customers like you, anything is possible. Now, armed with new products and smarter tactics, I truly can’t wait to see what 2022 has in store for us!

that for you. We’ll keep you posted on when extra delivery options may be available!

My team and I have been blown away by the ease of our new menu. It allows us to grow our family and business at October Kitchen even further, and offers more diversity, seasonality, freshness and healthy goodness. You might also notice that our packaging and sizes are changing! We’re increasing our single size portion size from 14 oz to 16 oz, and we’ll be removing our larger family portions in order to make ordering simpler and easier for families and our team. We’ll also use larger containers, including containers with compartments, in order to fit sides into separated areas. With our labels evolving from 4-by-4- inch black and white to 4-by-8-inch full color labels, you’ll also have an easier time identifying your dishes, even when they’re stacked tall in the fridge.

I used to spend hours every week printing off thousands of labels. Now, October Kitchen has grown to the point that I

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