Biola Broadcaster - 1967-02

mother’s Bible, he found heavily under­ lined words from the Old Testament, asking, “What man is there that is fearful and faint hearted? Let him re­ turn unto his house lest his brethren’s heart faint as well as his heart.” Pon­ dering on the statement Dr. Scroggie became so impressed that he would often advise friends, “I f you are faint­ hearted, go home and stay there until you get over it. To go in and out among God’8 people ip. these days, scattering gloom and stimulating fears, is far worse than spreading influenza.” How practical that exhortation! You remem­ ber, Gideon sent all the faint-hearted home. I f they had remained in the ranks, the Midianites might well have triumphed. While we don’t know your individual situation, nonetheless, this is not an hour for Christians to be gloomy! God is not dead! The one about whom these religious skeptics and foolish intellectuals write never was alive. The God of the Bible is more alive today than any of us. As far as our positive testimony to the world is concerned, it is helping hands and not shaking knees that we need. We say with Joshua, “Be strong and of good courage. Quit you like men.” Do your business for God as though nothing else in this world really mattered. * God is more interested in making you what you ought to be, than in giving you what you think you want. * * * C A N A D IA N RECEIPTS A number of young people come to Biola for their Christian education from Cauada, a large percentage of them from the western province of British Columbia. For this reason, Biola has become incorporated there, which means that we may now issue Canadian tax receipts for all gifts to Biola. Since 1908, the ministry of the school has not only been in the prepara­ tion of spiritual leaders, but also in many other diversified ministries. For those of you in Canada, for your con­ venience and to receive a recognized Canadian tax receipt, we suggest when you write, address Biola, Box 8018, Vancouver, B.C. That’s Box 8013, Van­ couver. We’ll be looking forward to hearing from you. 29 * *

tians to tear down one another! One of. the greatest dangers in our lives as believers is in becoming critical, cyni­ cal, finding fault, and finally turning sour in our very souls. Under the in­ spiration of the Holy S p i r i t, the A p o s tle J am e s questions, “From whence come wars and fightings among you? Come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members?” * * * There are two kinds of grace: saying grace and disgrace. * * * CONTENTMENT Too few people today could unquali­ fiedly testify with the Apostle Paul, “I have learned in whatsoever state I am therewith to be content.” A realtor told about an interesting experience he had with a man who decided to sell his house. The price was agreed upon and a real estate broker started his sales effort. He took pictures and ran them with a descriptive ad in the local news­ paper. All of the home’s outstanding features and advantages were listed. When the owner saw the copy, he was both shocked and stunned. He read the advertisement several times to make sure, and then put in a hurried tele­ phone call to the agent, pleading “Can I call off the deal? I can’t sell my home. For all my life I’ve been looking for a house just like the one you described. I never knew I had it until I read about it in the paper.” That man is like many of us. What is the old say­ ing: “Distance lends enchantment to the view”? We need a new perspective for it is better to appreciate things we don’t have than to have things we don’t appreciate. Let us be content with those things which God had provided for our spiritual benefit. Our Saviour rightly declared, “A man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth.” * * * Every man lives in one of two tents: content or discontent. * * * BE OFGOOD COURAGE The famous Scottish preacher, Dr. Graham Scroggie, tells ■ about the fact that in turning through the page of his

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