Ernest Wilson
S o m a n y t h i n g s one sees today dis tract his attention; therefore, it is well to consider just on what our vision should be focused. We read in Matthew 17:8, “And when they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no man, save Jesus only.” The Lord Jesus had taken three of His disciples, Peter, James, and John into a high mountain apart from everyone else. I t is a wonder ful thing to climb altitudes with God. Have you ever wondered why He only took three? When was the last time you went higher with the Lord? When was the most recent period when you felt a revival of both soul and spirit finding a real revelation of Christ through His Word? These three saw that the Saviour’s face did shine as the sun, and His raiment was as white as the light. When we go up into the alti tudes with God, we see Him in a different attitude. Everything seems to change. While they were there on the mount, Moses and E lija h were brought before their eyes. You re member that Moses was buried by the hand of God. Elijah went Home in a chariot of fire. One represented the law, the other the prophets. Je sus brought them both together in those sacred moments. Impetuous Peter wanted to stay there and build three tabernacles one for each of them. While no doubt he was sin cere, yet he was wrong. He was so full of joy that he wanted to do something. At this point the Lord simply wanted him to stop, look, and listen. Peter, however, wanted to build. What if the Lord had permit ted him to do it? Think of the pa rades and pilgrimages that would follow, even to this day, if they had still stood, just to look. This wasn’t
the lesson the Lord had for Peter. We, too, need to watch our ambi tions. God had to point out, “This is my Son, Peter. I am well pleased with what He is doing. Will you keep quiet and hear Him?” When the dis ciples heard this, “they fell on their face, and were sore afraid.” Oh, for the voice of the Lord today! This is a day when our nation desperately M Y LITTLE Lord, my greatest is so little, And my most is yet so small When I measure it with Jesus There is nothing left at ail. And I hesitate to answer When I hear Thee call. Can the Lord who owns the cattle On a thousand fertile hills. He who speaks in voice commanding And the angry water stills. Can the Lord who died for sinners On the cross of Calvary Use me, even in my weakness? Yes, for He demands of me Perfect strength, and then He gives it In His all-sufficiency. Take my greatest. Lord, 'tis nothing, And my strongest, though 'tis less. Thou canst use the little, Father, And the humble offering bless, And I'll serve Thee, Lord, forever. And Thy name confess. — Barbara Cornet Ryberg needs it. The home structure stands in mortal peril for it. You can be sure that Jesus Christ has the only answer to every need of man. The Saviour returned to the three in their fear. Moses and Elijah re turned to their places. Listen to the Lord’s compassionate words. “Be not afraid. Be not frightened.” The important lesson is told in the words, “When they lifted up their eyes, 8
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