A t Blue Ridge Mountain Recovery Center, we recognize the indispensable role that family and loved ones play in the recovery journey of individ- uals grappling with addiction and mental health challenges. Standing out as a beacon of support in
ed as recommended by the therapist, fostering communication and understanding within the family dynamic. Every three weeks, we offer a unique oppor- tunity for families and loved ones to engage in our enrich- ing family workshop. Span- ning two days, this integral component of our family program aims to deepen in- sights into mental illness, addiction, and the recov- ery process. By focusing on enhancing communication skills and addressing familial roles in the cycle of addiction, we strive to facilitate essential behavioral changes that promote healing and growth.
Georgia, our comprehensive family program is a corner- stone of our commitment to holistic healing. What sets us apart is our unwavering dedi- cation to providing this essen- tial support at no additional cost to the families of clients in our residential treatment program.
Understanding the pivotal sig- nificance of familial support,
we endeavor to extend a helping hand to those clos- est to our clients. Family visitations are encouraged, offering loved ones a firsthand glimpse into the progress and strides their family member is making on the path to recovery. Throughout each client's residential stay, tailored family sessions are integrat-
Central to our mission is to illuminate the in- tricate impact of addiction on the family unit,
10 | 255 Depot St, Suite 200, Ball Ground, GA 30107
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