Recovery Unplugged Brochure

I n the realm of addiction treatment, Dialectical Behav- ior Therapy (DBT) plays a pivotal role at Recovery Un- plugged, offering a tailored and evidence-based approach to addressing negative thought patterns, dysfunctional beliefs, and underlying mental health challenges that of- ten accompany substance use disorders. As a derivative of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), DBT stands out for its specialized focus on treating specific mental health is- sues and has shown remarkable efficacy in aiding recovery from depression, borderline personality disorder (BPD), and co-occurring substance use disorders. At Recovery Unplugged, DBT serves as a cornerstone of addiction treatment, providing individuals with a compre- hensive set of skills and strategies to manage emotional triggers, resist cravings, and cultivate healthy cop- ing mechanisms vital for long-term recovery. By honing distress tolerance, emotional regu- lation, mindfulness practices, and interper- sonal relationships, DBT equips clients with a diverse toolkit to confront the challenges inherent in addiction recovery and foster enduring change. Navigating Addiction Recovery Through Dialectical Behavior Therapy at Recovery Unplugged

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5105Q Backlick Rd, Annandale, VA 22003

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