The People's Palace

Marcus Shelby Composer Marcus Shelby is a composer, bassist, bandleader, and educator who currently lives in San Francisco. His

work focuses on the history, present, and future of African American lives, social movements, and music education. In 1990 he received the Charles Mingus Scholarship to attend Cal Arts and study composition with James Newton and bass with Charlie Haden. Currently, Shelby is the Artistic Director of Healdsburg Jazz, an artist in residence with the Yerba Buena Gardens Festival, and a past resident artist with the San Francisco Jazz Festival and the Healdsburg Jazz Festival. Shelby has composed several oratorios, suites, and a children’s opera. Shelby also composed the score and performed in Anna Deavere Smith’s Off-Broadway Play and HBO feature film “Notes from the Field” (2019). He is the voice of Ray Gardener in the 2020 Oscar-Winning Disney Pixar film “SOUL.” He has worked with Angela Y. Davis, Joanna Haigood, Margo Hall, Oakland Ballet, The SF Girl Choir, The Oakland Youth Chorus, and many others over the past 23 years. He has served on the San Francisco Arts Commission since 2013 and has worked with the Equal Justice Society for over 20 years. The Marcus Shelby Orchestra has released 5 CDs.

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