Board Converting News, January 18, 2021

Gerber Technology Donates 5,000 Gowns To Organizations In Need With the significant rise of COVID-19 cases, Tolland, Con- necticut based Gerber Technology has launched an ini- tiative to help local communities in need of protective gowns. In partnership with their network of manufacturers and charitable associations, RetailersUnited and Fashion For the Frontlines, Gerber is donating 5,000 Level 1 gowns to various organizations in need. The gowns are made of DuPont Tyvek material that is specifically assigned to Ger- ber Technology for use in PPE (personal protective equip- ment) production. All of the gowns are being produced in U.S. factories to help keep local workforces employed. Gerber has been committed to making PPE more wide- ly available since the creation of their PPE Task Force in March 2020. Since then, the technology partner has helped over 1,700 companies pivot their supply chain for PPE production. Gerber estimates that it has empowered production of over 100 million gowns and 8 billion face coverings during the pandemic in 2020. Through their most recent gown donation efforts, Gerber will help en- sure health organizations across the U.S. have access to high-quality, industry standard PPE to keep them safe. The recipients of the gowns were determined by Ger- ber Technology jointly with non-for-profit organizations RetailersUnited and Fashion For the Frontlines. Since the early days of the pandemic in March, Gerber Technology has worked closely with both organizations. Fashion For the Frontlines’ is focused on getting critical PPE to those in need on the frontlines in healthcare. “We continue to see unmet needs of PPE across the U.S. in hospitals, healthcare systems, retailers, commu- nities and more, but by simplifying the supply chain and producing more PPE domestically, these shortages will be mitigated,” said Deborah Weinswig, CEO of Core- sightResearch and Board Member of RetailersUnited. We value our continued collaboration with Gerber Technolo- gy and thank them for this contribution. With the recent alarming spike in COVID cases, these gowns are desper- ately needed, especially by smaller organizations whose funds and access to PPE are more limited.” The recipients of the donated gowns include the NYC Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities for local distribu- tion, Eger Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center in Staten Island, NY; Housing Works, Inc. in Brooklyn, NY; and Great Plains Tribal Chairmen’s Health Board in South Dakota. “Every community is in great need of help as they con- tinue to fight COVID-19, especially right now“ said Karsten Newbury, Chief Strategy and Digital Officer at Gerber Technology. “We are proud to be doing our part to help frontline workers be safer as they perform critical services for their communities. We are grateful for the partnerships with the manufacturers who have done their part to pro- duce personal protective equipment during this very dif- ficult time.



Haire Group is the premier provider of new machinery for the corrugated industry. As the exclusive US & Canadian agent for one of the largest machinery manufacturers in the world, Haire Group is able to pair clients with the best machinery solutions for the best value to meet their spe- cific needs. As an operating partner of the US-based DFA Technical Support Center (a joint venture of Haire Group and Dong Fang), Haire Group delivers top-notch 24/7 pro- fessional, reliable service and support, maximizing quality and uptime. Additionally, Haire Group has been the indus- try’s #1 pre-owned machinery broker and plant equipment appraiser since 1976. HarperLove is the leading provider of specialty adhesives, performance additives, and wet-strength resins to corru- gated packaging manufacturers. With the largest and most experienced field service and technical support team posi- tioned throughout the U.S. and Latin America, HarperLove has a long-standing reputation for providing outstanding service and delivering demonstrable performance improve- ments. HarperLove’s renowned services include not only innovative product development and custom product for- mulation, but also machine and process assessments, ad- hesive formula adjustments, machine tuning, detailed ser- vice reporting, and more. HARPERLOVE


Kiwiplan - premier worldwide software provider of enter- prise-wide, fully automatic solutions specifically for the cor- rugating and packaging industries. Kiwiplan’s Total Solution delivers comprehensive, seamless real-time flow of infor- mation from sales order management to dynamic total plant scheduling and inventory control through shipping.


Manufacturer of Marotape®, Marotape®Plus, Marotape® FPT and MaroString™; hot melt coated tapes and strings used for reinforcement and easy-open features for pack- aging. Marotech Inc. also manufactures state-of-the-art dispensing and tape placement equipments to optimize the productivity of applying hot melt coated tapes in pack- aging.


January 18, 2021

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