Here's our Volume 25, Issue 2: Mid-May to Mid-June 2024. Enjoy, and God bless you!
Information • Education • Inspiration •
Mid-May to Mid-June 2024 • Volume 25, Issue 2
“To Publish with the voice of thanksgiving and tell of all Thy wondrous works.” -Psalm 26:7 (KJV)
WI SCONS IN C HRISTIAN N EWS Honoring the Natural Family Pages 3, 5, 42
INSIDE Highlights: Wake Up!.......................................................... Make These Four Changes............................. Least Or Great — Your Choice..................... Honoring Our Husbands and Wives............... Are You Saved?................................................ Burn the Bridges................................................ Christian Nationalism................................ UMC Embraces Apostasy.......................... The War To End All Wars........................... Exposing the Roots Of Chaos Page 12
Elderly Concentration Camp Survivor Persecuted By American DOJ Page 24
4 8
18 22 25 35 38 39 46
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A National Christian Newspaper Based in Wisconsin
CONTACT US Rob Pue, Publisher Wisconsin Christian News 225780 Rib Mountain Dr. # 229 Wausau, WI 54401 (715) 486-8066 The Official Pastor of WCN : Pastor Mike Spaulding Lima, Ohio Call for Pastoral Counseling 567-259-6001 SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR VOLUNTEER DISTRIBUTION TEAM: Bernie Cudnohoski James Frisch • Ray LeBlanc David Berding • Nancy Smazal Mike & Deb Larson • Harry Wilkinson Bernie & Rose Petrie • Merry Stern Karl Kimmes • Trygve Boettcher James T. Smith • DeAnne Winter Charles Larsen • Deborah Dorzok Dan & Amy Timm • Richard Bollom Chris Allen • Mike Meinen Bill & Randy Behringer
About WCN Wisconsin Christian News represents a cooper- ative effort by active Christians from all walks of life. In our pages and on our website, you will find Infor- mation, Education and Inspiration, with a majority of the articles written by members of our “WCN Fam- ily” of contributors. There is something of interest to every member of the family. We hope you are blessed and become a regular reader. WCN seeks, at all times, to publish the TRUTH, regardless of “political correctness,” standing up for America’s historical Christian heritage and urging a return to biblical, moral standards. We offer very thought-provoking commentary, inspired teach- ing, real life testimonies, world, national, state and regional news, plus advice and information from experts in their areas of business and ministry -- all in the various sections of our 48-page newspa- per. In addition to providing valuable content to the Christian community, we focus equally on reach- ing those who are lost and seeking, and those who may have been alienated from church as an institution in the past. You’ll find WCN on the racks in the lobbies of grocery stores, family restaurants, shopping centers and malls and most Christian book stores. Of course, you can also find a copy at many of our “Ministry Partner” advertisers’ business and ministry locations. This is our outreach to the mar- ketplace, and we receive many wonderful testi- monies from people who have found the Lord for the first time, or returned to Him, after many years away, after finding our newspaper in a public place. Our Doctrinal Statement • There is one God, who is infinitely perfect, existing eternally as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. • Jesus Christ is true God and true man. He was
• The Church consists of all those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, are redeemed through His blood, and are born again of the Holy Spirit. Christ is the Head of the Body, the Church, which has been commissioned by Him to go into all the world as a witness, preaching the gospel to all na- tions. The local church is a body of believers in Christ who are joined together for the worship of God, for edification through the Word of God, for prayer, fellowship, the proclamation of the gospel, and observance of the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. • There shall be a bodily resurrection of the just and of the unjust; for the former, a resurrection unto life; for the latter, a resurrection unto judgment. • The second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is imminent and will be personal, visible, and pre-mil- lennial. This is the believer’s blessed hope and is a vital truth which is an incentive to holy living and faithful service. All viewpoints expressed in Wisconsin Christian News are those of the authors and do not nec- essarily represent the viewpoint of the publishers. We reserve the right to edit or refuse any articles, based upon content, length, value and source requirements.
conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He died upon the cross, the just for the unjust, as a substitutionary sacrifice, and all who believe in Him are justified on the grounds of His shed blood. He died, was buried and arose from the dead ac- cording to the Scriptures. He is now at the right hand of the Majesty on high as our great High Priest. He will come again to establish His kingdom of right- eousness and peace. • The Holy Spirit is sent to indwell, guide, teach, empower the believer, and convince the world of sin, of righteousness and of judgment. • The Old and New Testaments, inerrant as origi- nally given, were verbally inspired by God and are a complete revelation of His will for the salvation of men. They constitute the divine and only rule of Christian faith and practice. • Man was originally created in the image and like- ness of God; he fell through disobedience, incurring, thereby, both physical and spiritual death. All men are born with a sinful nature, are separated from the love of God, and can be saved only through the atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ. • Salvation has been made available through Jesus Christ for all men; those who repent and be- lieve in Him are born again of the Holy Spirit, receive the gift of eternal life, and become the children of God. • It is the will of God that each believer should be filled with the Holy Spirit and be sanctified wholly, being separated from sin and the world and fully dedicated to the will of God, thereby receiving power for holy living and effective service. This is both a crisis and a progressive experience wrought in the life of the believer subsequent to conversion. • Provision is made in the redemptive work of the Lord Jesus Christ for the healing of the mor- tal body. Prayer for the sick and anointing with oil are taught in the Scriptures and are privileges for the church in the present age.
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Dave Daubenmire is a veteran 35 year high school football coach who was spurred action when attacked and sued by the ACLU in the late 1990’s for praying with his high school football team. After a two year battle for his 1st amendment rights, the ACLU relented and offered coach an out of court settlement.
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Coach Daubenmire has become a recognizable voice in the media as he is an unashamed, articulate, apologist for the Christian worldview. A popular, high-energy speaker, Coach Daubenmire’s mo- tivational lectures, laced with powerful and relevant Scripture, is challenging Americans all across the country.
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Volume 25, Issue 2
Page 3
The Marshfield
Natural Family Festival! Sa t u rd ay , J u n e 29, 2024
Celebrating the Natural Family! Everyone Is Welcome!
9 am - 5 pm
T h e N a t u r a l Fam ily F e s ti va l i s a pos iti v e , up li f ti ng c ele b r a ti on of t h e fam ily . It’ s an oppo rt un ity t o conn e c t ch il d re n w it h t h eir pa re n t s, pa re n t s w it h t h eir ch il d re n, g r andpa re n t s w it h t h eir ch il d re n and g r andch il d re n i n subs t an ti a l , m e an i ngfu l , hands - on wa y s. It’ s a commun ity e v e n t t ha t d r aws fam ilie s t og et h er , i n wa y s t h ey ma y no t hav e ex p erie nc e d i n a v ery l ong ti m e . It g et s ki ds bac k t o b ei ng ki ds — awa y f r om t h e ha r mfu l i nf l u e nc e s of pop cu lt u re , soc i a l m e d i a and ele c tr on i cs. A n oppo rt un ity fo r ou r o l d e s t g e n er a ti ons t o conn e c t w it h t h e y oung e s t g e n er a ti ons, fo r D ads and M oms t o bond w it h t h eir ki ds and fo r ki ds t o le a r n t o VAL U E , re sp e c t and hono r t h eir pa re n t s, g r andpa re n t s and el d er s. It’ s a chanc e fo r fam ilie s t o B U ILD som et h i ng s i gn i f i can t , and s tre ng t h e n t h e commun ity a t l a r g e . SPECIAL SPEAKERS WILL INCLUDE:
L o i s T e Str ake, C ity of M a r shf iel d M a y o r
J aso n St o rm s a n d F a mil y
J R H a rri so n , T h e N a t u r a l Fam ily Founda ti on
F a th e r s & S o n s B u il d a Bir dhous e T og et h er!
M o m s & D a u g ht e r s Pl an t a G a r d e n T og et h er!
P o n y & Ca rt R i des J us t like ‘ down on t h e fa r m !’
Ki ds ( age 5- 13) W o rk a t ou r Le monad e S t and & kee p t h e mon ey y ou e a r n !
St o r y Tim e G ood, who le som e s t o rie s, re ad b y Gr andpas and Gr andmas !
P e ttin g Z oo All ki nds of fun bab y an i ma l s t o i n ter ac t w it h and le a r n abou t!
Buil d a Pl ay h o u se ! Fo r D ads and Tee ns — wo rk t og et h er und er t h e sup er v i s i on of mas ter bu il d er s and b uil d a R EAL H O USE! All who wo rk on t h e p r o je c t w ill b e e n tere d i n a d r aw i ng t o WIN t h e hous e wh e n it’ s comp lete d ! A ch ie v e som et h i ng t og et h er y ou n e v er t hough t y ou cou l d !
M ob il e C r ea ti o n Mu se um! Di nosau r s, Foss il s, and much mo re! Com e ex p l o re and le a r n abou t how t h e wo rl d was c re a te d and t a ke hom e som e n e a t souv e n ir s !
We’ll Also Have: Beautiful music sung by FAMILIES! • Bouncy Houses for the kids! • Step into yesteryear with exhibits of old-time tools!
For more information, call Ray at: (715) 660-8176 In M a rshfi e ld’s C ol u mbi a P a rk 201 We st Arnold S t. • M a rshfi e ld, W is c onsin Food & Refreshments so you can have a family picnic lunch! • A Real Fire Truck to Explore! Personal stories from our elderly friends, connecting our oldest generations with our youngest!
Page 4
Volume 25, Issue 2
W a ke U p !
By Jim Schneider, Executive Director, VCY America May 2024
ELCA is beta-testing a new 24-session “Queer Confirmation” course guiding LGBTQIA+ teens. Promoters are saying, “It will provide space to explore and know God’s affirming love and pro- mote teens’ sense of belonging within the Christian faith and Christian communities.” Preaching the Word in many churches is a thing of the past with the exception of, “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” (Matthew 7:1). While the surface has only been scratched as to the nature of our present state, it is impera- tive for Christians to break from their slumber and wake up! Certainly, we are growing closer to the time of the Lord’s return! This is evi- denced by the heightened deception and the rapid advancement of evil originating from the prince of darkness. It is critical for believers in Christ to “cast off the works of darkness.” Rather than be drunk and in- dulge in the allurements of our world, believers are called to live a life of separation from the very deeds of the flesh. Scripture plainly reveals the lures of the world include “the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.” (I John 2:15-17). Further, believers are called to be “light” which is a remarkable contrast to the “darkness” expelled by the god of this world and this world’s system. Be- lievers in Jesus Christ have an imperative to advance the Gospel. We must proclaim the Word of God to all who need to hear the all-important call to repent and turn to Jesus Christ. The advancing of the Gospel is accomplished by our words and a life that bears testimony of these words. Indeed, time is short! Idleness and apathy must be set aside. The stakes are too high to be ignored. In conclusion, consider these additional admoni- tions from Scripture: “Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.” (I Thessalonians 5:6). “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” (I Peter 5:8). Yes, it is high time for believers to wake out of sleep. It is critical to our mission to be alert, to be active, and to advance Biblical truth for such a time as this!
“And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salva- tion nearer than when we be-
lieved. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunk- enness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.” (Romans 13:11- 14). Many Christians begin and end each day with no sense of urgency, no cognizance of what is going on in the world, no recognition that the days are in- tensely growing evil, no compelling responsibility to live uprightly, and no sense of spiritual purpose. In- deed, in light of the Lord’s coming return, we must wake up to the present reality of our times and rec- ognize the dutiful stewardship required of all believ- ers! We are a nation that is quickly unravelling at the seams. Economically, our nation is rapidly advancing to- ward $34 trillion in debt (that is in addition to all the other funds raided.) The so-called Inflation Reduc- tion Act was nothing more than a scam to increase spending and advance the scare of so-called “global climate change.” We are quickly moving to a cash- less society and a central bank digital currency where all transactions can be tracked. And if your social media posts are not liked or your activism strikes against progressive policies, you face the risk of being “debanked.” The energy policies being pursued by our nation’s leadership strike at the heart of ever being energy in- dependent again. Costly initiatives, which are more harmful to the environment than our status quo, will lead us to financial insolvency. We are modeling those who “worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator…” (Romans 1:25). Politically, our nation is becoming increasingly di- vided. Political rhetoric is out of control and mean-
ingful dialogue is non-existent. Sadly, the majority of compromised decisions are advancing a very lib- eral/progressive agenda with little pushback. We are quickly advancing toward globalism. The WHO Pan- demic Treaty, which is soon to be voted on, is being warmly embraced and pushed by our present Ad- ministration. National sovereignty will be erased by this treaty and another significant bite will be taken out of our Constitutional Republic. On the home front, the main political agenda of many candidates for office is laser focused on advancing the killing of pre-born children and proclaiming it a “right” to which none should interfere. Morally, in addition to targeting pre-born life, we are spending great sums of money and devoting much training to “professionals” on how to confuse children concerning their gender. Science has been thrown out the window to accommodate mental ma- nipulation and the brainwashing of the next genera- tion. The LGBTQ+ agenda has literally infiltrated and taken over our nation’s calendar from a “Pride Day” to “Pride Month” and now “Transgender Visi- bility Day,” “Bisexual Awareness Month,” “Interna- tional Drag Day,” and even a “Gay Uncles Day.” Corporate America has swallowed the poison which implements this agenda through their DEI policies and institutes “training” (indoctrinating) of their em- ployees. The rapid descent into the immoral abyss has no bottom. Spiritually, many churches do not want to be branded as “extremists” so they are instead compro- mising. Societal integration becomes more important than doctrinal integrity. Recently announced, the
Listen On These Wisconsin Ra d io Stations: Tune in For... VCY America is a non-denominational, conservative Christian non-profit organization based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Our ministries reach out by radio, television and satellite as well as in the local community, to present the Gospel, encourage Christians, and stimulate the Church to be the Church in our society. Go d Go -honoring -honoring Programming, Soli d Soli Bible Teaching, News & Information Impacting the Family Reaching 50 States and Beyond...24 Hours a Day, From Right Here in Wisconsin!
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Volume 25, Issue 2
Page 5
Perspectives Opinions • Commentary • Letters
From the Publisher...
Lighting A Candle
By Rob Pue May 2024
and labeled as “homophobic” and now, “trans- phobic.” But those pulling the strings behind the scenes are pushing even harder and never stop their assault on all that is normal, natural and God-ordained. Today we have the “Transgen- der Day of Vengeance.” We have a new multi-
sodomites and transgenders has been futile. The police see the Christians as the enemies, and they protect the perverts. The sodomites blow bullhorns directly into our ears as we try to speak. They beat drums, blow trumpets, yell and scream like demons, to keep our words from going forth. When we use signs
I believe America is at a tipping point. Most Americans realize there is something deeply wrong with the nation we live in. Even non- Christians have had all they can take of the Leftists’ “woke” agenda, and especially of the
vilification of common sense when it comes to our children. In recent years, we’ve seen parents who object to pornographic books, drag queens and the LGBTQP+ movement indoctrinating their children labeled as “the most dangerous threats to our democracy,” and also called “domestic terrorists.” In reality, the opposite is true. Those who push for the normal- ization of sexual deviancy, homosexuality, pedophilia and the mutilation of the minds and bodies of our children are the real pred- ators, and they have many allies, now baked in to the curricula of our public schools and celebrated wholesale in cities and small towns all across the USA. In 1963, “45 Communist goals to take down Amer-
with messages of common sense, hordes of deranged sodomites descend upon us, covering our signs with rainbow flags at a mini- mum... destroying our signs, and attacking us physically most of the time. And Christians being attacked at these events has been — every time — the greatest form of amusement for those charged with the duty to “protect and serve.” Sadly, the vast majority of American pastors and churches have remained mute, and have allowed all of this to grow to enor- mous proportions, so that today, you can go nowhere without being assaulted by homosexual or transgen- der propaganda and vile displays of debauchery. The rainbow flag is a sym- bol of conquest. No one can argue that the devil
ica” were read into the Congressional record. Among them: “break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and ob- scenity in the media;” “present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as ‘normal, natu- ral and healthy;’” “infiltrate the churches;” “discredit the family as an institution;” “En- courage promiscuity and easy divorce;” “em- phasize the need to raise children away from the ‘negative’ influence of parents.” And here we are today, with all of those Communist goals to take down America achieved. June is coming quickly. In the year 2000, Bill Clinton declared the month of June as “Gay and Lesbian Pride Month.” Since then, “Pride Month” has spread around the globe, but it doesn’t end when July 1st rolls around. Today, the LGBTQP+ monster — and now the “transgender” abomination — continues all year long. Through organizations like the “Human Rights Campaign,” their agenda is forced down the throats of companies and cor- porations, so that they must either endorse and financially support this sexual deviancy and the myriad of mental disorders associated with it all, or be publicly shamed, boycotted
billion dollar industry within the medical industrial complex, to forever mutilate and sterilize young children with hormone-blocking drugs and so-called “gender affirming surger- ies” that destroy young children and maim them for life. Josef Mengele would be proud. For many years, I’ve joined my Christian friends on the streets during “Pride parades,” to stand as a witness for Christ and God’s nat- ural design for marriage and family. I’ve at- tended some of the largest “pride” festivals in the country, where it’s been 100 Christians trying to reach a half-million sodomites and their allies. I’ve witnessed thousands of young children exposed to sexual deviancy in the streets of American cities. Young children par- ticipating with their homosexual parents in these parades. Young children viewing simu- lated sodomite sex acts involving completely- or mostly-naked men and women in broad day- light. Young children, whose parents give them dollar bills to stuff in the “g-strings” of nearly- nude drag queens, dancing provocatively in front of adoring crowds of hedonists. With the exception of a handful of times, at- tempting to reason with or even have a mean-
and his minions have won this culture war, be- cause the pastors and churches have been too cowardly to do ANYTHING. Correction: I shouldn’t say the churches haven’t done any- thing... the last “pride” parade I attended in- cluded no less than forty churches participating IN the parade, with banners on their floats expressing sentiments like “God thinks you’re fabulous.” But people are fed up with all this. Most of us have had enough of these mental illnesses being pridefully celebrated and we’re now forced to celebrate this perversion under penalty of law. Some have suggested there be a “Straight Pride” parade. But heterosexual people do not celebrate the fact that they’re heterosexual, nor do they flaunt their sexual- ity in public, in front of children. And what would a “Straight Pride” parade even look like? A bunch of normal people walking down the street? And further, if anyone even tried to arrange something like this, they’d be vi- ciously attacked and vilified in the main- stream media and compared to “Nazis.” You know that would happen. Several years ago, my friend, JR Harrison, who leads the Natural Family Foundation, came up with the idea of celebrating “Natural Family Month” — from Mother’s Day to Fa- ther’s Day. The first week would be a celebra- tion of Mother’s Day. The second week would be a celebration of children. The third week would be a celebration of grandparents. The next week would be a celebration of extended family, and it would all culminate in a cele- bration of Dads on Father’s Day. Continued on Page 7
i n g f u l conver- s a t i on with the
MISSIONARIES TO THE PREBORN Speaking Up For the Oppressed Preborn Babies P .O. Bo x 26931 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53226 (414) 462-3399
Page 6
Volume 25, Issue 2
Title IX Upended
Wisconsin Family Connection
C OMMENTARY BY J ULAINE A PPLING P resident, Wisconsin Family Council
Strengthening, Preserving & Promoting Marriage, Family, Life and Liberty in Wisconsin
May 2024 A year ago March, a number of parents of students at Sun Prairie East High School addressed the District’s school board, expressing concern about what their daughters were telling them about an incident that occurred in the girls’ locker room. According to Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty, who got involved after a a parent contacted them, after a swim class, four freshmen girls, went into the girls’ locker room following a swim class and proceeded to shower in their swim suits. The girls then saw a senior male student who is believed to have been 18 years old in the girls’ locker room. The girls say he wasn’t in their PE class. This biological male then proceeded to let them know he identified as a girl and stripped and showered in front of these young girls. The school’s response when this issue went public was that there were conflicting stories and that, quote, “student privacy and other laws prevent the District from addressing the specific events that occurred,” and then went on to say they didn’t con- done the sexes being mixed in shower rooms but also didn’t denounce what happened or take steps to pass and enforce polices that would ensure it didn’t happen again. Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty is currently investi- gating this incident. And that investigation is about to become even messier than it already is. Recently, the Biden administration, through the Department of Education issued revised changes to Title IX. This process began months ago and was held in abeyance for quite some time, in part because of public input objecting to the proposed changes. Apparently, the Department has now made its final changes. This issue actually goes back to Obama, who shortly before leaving office, issued a memo, through the Department of Education and the Department of Justice, directing all public
Interestingly, the one area conspicuously absent in this Title IX revision is anything that prevents K-12 schools and colleges and universities from enforcing policies that ban bi- ological males from participating in women’s sports. Specu- lation is that this is not yet included because of how high-profile this issue is in this election year. These Title IX revisions are scheduled to go into effect on August 1. Consider the impact these regulations will have on the Sun Prairie investigation we opened with. They will give this school district and every other school district in our state all the cover they need to excuse what happened to these young girls when the 18-year-old male invaded what should be a safe, private space for them. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona says the new rule makes, quote, “crystal clear that everyone can access schools that are safe, welcoming and that respect their rights.” Car- dona couldn’t be more wrong. For the vast majority of students, our public schools will become unsafe, unwelcoming, and to- tally disrespecting of their rights under this illegal and ill-con- ceived revision of Title IX. Fortunately, Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty assures us there will be legal challenges of these changes. I’d love to think what happened in Sun Prairie East High School last spring won’t happen anywhere else in our state, but given the culture and these outrageous Title IX revisions, no one should assume it couldn’t or wouldn’t happen in their school district. Bottom line: parents beware; your children are at risk. Online: Tel: 888-378-7395
K12 schools and all colleges and universities accepting federal funding, to give special rights and protections to students deal- ing with gender confusion. When Trump became president, he rescinded the memo, which meant schools and colleges were to observe Title IX as it has been since 1973, meaning that sex as used in this law means male and female and nothing more. But Biden made a campaign promise that he would pander to the transgender agenda and turn Title IX on its head — no mat- ter the consequences, and now he’s making good on his prom- ise. In the just-released Title IX revisions, sex discrimination in- cludes discrimination based on gender identity as well as sex- ual orientation. That’s the set up for the rest of the changes. It’s important to understand that Title IX was authored and passed by Congress and signed into law by President Richard Nixon. These substantive, dangerous changes haven’t been authorized by Congress. They’ve been ramrodded through by a department. No court has forced these changes; they are being done by adherents to an agenda that is absolutely dis- astrous for our youth.
Strengthening, preserving and promoting marriage, family, life and liberty in Wisconsin. P.O. Box 2075 Madison, WI 53701 • 888-378-7395 In Madison: (608) 256-3228
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Volume 25, Issue 2
Page 7
Lighting A Candle (Continued from P age 5)
JR has created a website, , where he lays out the plan, and offers a pledge people can sign to affirm their support of God’s ordained design for the NATURAL family: one biological man married to one biological woman united in a monogamous marriage for life, bearing and raising Godly chil- dren in the fear and admonition of the Lord. There’s overwhelming scientific evidence showing that children thrive within the Natural Family. There’s much less poverty, mental illness, drug use, rage and rebellion, and chil- dren grow up to be much happier and well-adjusted adults when raised within the Natural Family.
nival” with silly stuff and meaningless games. All of the activities we have planned are designed to bring fami- lies together and to honor God’s de- sign for the natural family...again, one real man and one real woman, united in marriage and bearing and raising children for the glory of God. One activity will involve children and their parents learning to plant and grow things. We’ll provide small flower and vegetable plants, soil and pots, so children can work together with their parents to grow something. Once planted, we’ll have a little sign that reads “I love my family” that they can decorate their pot with.
which are filled with uplifting, positive stories of families...with the gospel message woven throughout. And here’s the best part: the stories will be read by GRANDPARENTS. So, we’ll be connecting the oldest gener- ation with the youngest generation, and these grandparents will also share the wisdom of their own life’s experiences with the young kids who listen. I strongly believe we need to return honor and VALUE to our elders, who are so easily forgot- ten and minimalized in today’s cul- ture.
deeply touched and transformed as we will show them and demonstrate to them what a natural family is. We’re lighting a candle, rather than cursing the darkness and it’s my hope that other people, in communities all across this nation, will grab ahold of this vision and put together Natural
Family Festivals for their own towns. If you’d like to learn how you can eas- ily do this in your town, please contact me. Email: Phone: (715) 486-8066
We’ll also have a petting zoo, pony and cart rides, other craft opportuni-
ties for kids and their parents to cre- ate and build things together, and we will have acappella music sung by fam- ilies from our local Mennonite commu- nity. So instead of silly songs, comedy and frivolous “enter- tainment,” we’ll be offering beautiful music — hymns sung together by FAMILIES. There will also be a mobile Creation Museum,
Last June, I came up with an idea, but it was too late to put into ac- tion then. This year, thanks to other ministry friends, the idea is coming to fruition — and God has greatly blessed this plan, which fo- cuses on “lighting a candle” instead of cursing the darkness. Mind you, in prior years
as we went to witness for Christ at these sodomite events, we weren’t “cursing” anyone. We were there to shine the light of Christ and have meaningful, thoughtful and loving conversations with those so lost and deceived by Satan. Unfortunately, in this sort of environment, our little band of Christian brothers and sisters were no match for the demonic spirits inhabiting a half million people — in- cluding city government leaders, po- lice officers, pastors and churches. So this year, we’re preparing some- thing totally different, for June 29th. That’s the day the “drag queens” will be performing in a downtown family park. Once again, men will be dressed as outrageous prostitutes and will be dancing and gyrating in sexually suggestive ways in front of little children. They’ll also be dressing little children in “drag” and teaching them how to “strut their stuff” in front of the adults there. But on this same day, a few blocks away, at another city park, we will be hosting a Natural Family Festival. This is our attempt to “light a candle” in this community and as I wrote in my article last year, to “show them what a natural family is.” The mayor of the city has agreed to open our festival with a speech on the value of families...natural families. We will have other excellent speakers to encourage people to cherish the in- stitution of the family...the Godly foun- dation for a Godly nation. And then we’ll have activities, for children and adults. But not just any sort of ac- tivities. This is not some sort of “car-
showing how God created the world in six days, and how the first family began. This will be an opportunity to turn the hearts of the fathers back to- ward their children. To re-connect the grandparents with their grand- children, for moms and daughters to connect in substantial ways, to hear meaningful stories of how God de- signed the family to really be. To HONOR our parents, our elders, and get our young people out of the clutches of pop culture and turn THEIR hearts back to respecting themselves, each other and their mothers, fathers and families. Friends, as goes the church, so goes the family. Sadly, our churches have failed to build solid God-hon- oring families. But also, as goes the family, so goes the nation. And we can all easily see how desperately our nation needs strong families again — free of the shackles of mindless TikTok videos and gaming and soul-sucking electronic “enter- tainment” and social media. We’re offering a clear and stark al- ternative. This community will have the opportunity to see two com- pletely different worldviews on the same day just a few blocks apart: the celebration of sodomite “pride,” “drag queen” perversion and sexual grooming of children versus the wholesome, NATURAL FAMILY the way it used to be; the way God de- signed it to be and the way it should be. In the end, I believe the people of this small town will be deeply im- pacted and I pray that hearts are
Another activity will include boys working with their dads to build a sim- ple birdhouse or bird feeder. Again, this activity is meant to connect fa- thers together with their sons and build something — achieve some- thing — together. At another station, we’ll be doing a bigger project, to involve the older children. Under the supervision of ex- pert builders, young teens will be building an actual house — a play- house — throughout the day. This will provide an opportunity for dads to work with their teenagers and actually learn to build a HOUSE! When it’s completed, we’ll draw one name from among those who worked on the proj- ect and the winner will win the play- house... here again, we’re connecting dads with teens, and teens will learn they can build and achieve something of great significance, with their own two hands, alongside their dads. We’ll also set up a lemonade stand... but not just any lemonade stand. Next to our stand, we’ll have a “Help Wanted” sign, and children ages 5-13 can sign up for half-hour segments to work at the stand. We’ll supply the lemonade, cups and ice. Kids just need to sign up and show up for “work.” At the end of their shift, they get to keep what they’ve earned. This teaches kids how to “get a job,” and the satisfaction of learning to work, and how to earn money. And we all know the “drag queens” offer “story time.” We’ll have story time too. But OUR stories will come from the old McGuffey Readers,
345 Main Street P .O. Bo x 190 Wild Rose, WI 54984 (920) 622-3312
We will also take your gun on trade!
Page 8
Volume 25, Issue 2
Make These Four Changes or the Nation is Lost
By Michael Bresciani May 2024
and the fumbling faltering general society, and it looks like an invisible bogey man has got us on the run. We are like those who run from an enemy that isn’t there. “The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.” (Proverbs 28:1). Whether we call it revival, renewal, or restoration we need to look to the God of our fathers, or the
“Faith of our fathers, holy faith! We will be true to Thee ‘til death.” Stop Killing and Abusing Your own Children America is indeed the land of the free, but it also could be said that we are the land of the conflicted, misinformed and to some degree the land of hyp- ocrites. Students and others, marched, protested, and created mayhem in an effort to stop the fight-
Caesar was quoting from a Greek comedy when he declared that the die was cast, but our present path and its subsequent outcome is no comedy. Time is running out for America to act. Strong believers and true disciples being the ex- ception, most Americans think if they attend a
ing in the Vietnam War. After 58,000 servicemen were lost, they laid down the weapons. Following that, the nation jumped on the sexual revolution, wel- coming the direct aid from the Supreme Court through Roe v. Wade. That amaz- ingly inhumane ruling cost 60,000,000 un-born human beings their lives. That number is about the same as all the lives lost to the military and civil- ians in World War 2. Why hasn’t anyone done this math? Perhaps, the rush to dismiss the importance of math today, is a tool we hope will keep our collective conscience from being assaulted.
church once in a while and drop a dol- lar in the plate, they feel assured that they have done God a favor. Since biblical prophecy is pre-written history, you will have done no one a favor by reading or ignoring these warnings. It is God, and yours truly, (one of his servants) that are doing a favor for you. What is that favor? The favor is pointing you to the only solution that is possible to save another nation in this tired old world from its own ugly demise. Don’t ask how one writer could be so confident – ask how one man could be so fearful of the consequences of being silent. And yet, it is not punishment I fear, it is being asked to share with God the great sense of loss He will feel if we
No assault on innocence will go un- noticed or un-punished. To make it much worse we may throw in the mis- use, abuse, and torture of children for those who have escaped the bad judgment of the pro-choice crowd. We attack their mental health, and their bodies with gay indoctrination, drag queen circus shows and gender mutilation. And we are ready to con- demn Gov. Kristi Noem for putting down a single puppy because it was becoming dangerously ag- gressive. This cup of perversion is filled to over- flowing and we are drunk with our misdeeds and their justifications. Where is God on all this? He is, as Jesus once said, “at the doors” (Matthew 24: 33). He is far too close, and doors can fly open with great speed catching all in the house, quite off guard. “He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that with- out remedy.” (Proverbs 29:1).
nation will fade into obscurity, or worse, will be flattened by our weakest enemy. If you answer this Biblical call… “If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble them- selves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14). You will understand why Frederick William Faber’s amazing hymn ‘Faith of Our Fathers’ has been sung by Americans, English, Irish, Welsh, and Scots since 1849. “Faith of our fathers, living still, In spite of dun- geon, fire, and sword; Oh, how our hearts beat high with joy, Whene’er we hear that glorious Word! “Our fathers, chained in prisons dark, Were still in heart and conscience free; How sweet would be their children’s fate, If they, like them, could die for thee!
fail. How would His heart ache over the loss of this once mighty, chosen, and unique nation in all the world – the United States of America? Need some high-sounding prophetic siren to wake you up? I have only this – move it or lose it. There are four ways to save it, and only one way to lose it – do nothing. Let’s see. Return to God Your history teacher is a fraud if they have failed to teach you of the Christian foundations of this nation. From the founders to our august universi- ties, the purpose of this nation was to glorify God and serve Him with what they thought was a God- given plan to create a mighty nation. Up to now, this Godless day, it has worked well. We know that elementary students of the day may not get much math teaching anymore, but who could imagine that college grads could not put this 2+2 together? We have walked, trotted, and run away from God both in the apostate churches A Program that’s worth your time!
Continued on Page 10
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Volume 25, Issue 2
Page 9
The Salt & Light Briga d e
Spiritual Dementia
By Coach Dave Daubenmire May 2024
fusion that is masquerading as American Christianity? Did you know that there are 45,000 DENOMINATIONS of Christianity in the world today? Did you know that the word “De- nominate” is a math term? Re- member second grade math? Numerator and denominator. The numeration is the whole number while the denominator is the number used to DIVIDE the whole number. Is it any wonder there is so much demen- tia in the Body of Christ? Oh, by the way, dementia is defined as “a condition charac-
I’ve recently begun to ask my- self what in the world is wrong with the churches? Jesus told us that we were supposed to be “the salt of the earth and the light of the world” but the im- pact of Christianity on the American culture and the
American way of life is almost non-existent. Jesus called it “losing his savor…good for noth- ing…except to be cast out and trodden under the foot of man.” American Christianity has been trodden flatter than a pancake. How has this happened? Jesus told us to “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to ob- serve all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” By the way, it is called the Great Command- ment…GO and TEACH. It is a commission, an order…not a suggestion…from our COMMANDER IN CHIEF…KING. Go teach them to OBSERVE… follow…what I taught YOU! And what is the reward you receive when you OBEY HIS COMMAND? “And ye shall be hated of all men for My name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.” That’s called “spreading the Gospel.” What good is KNOWING the Gospel if you can’t, or won’t, teach it to others? When we fail to do so we are disobey- ing a direct order from the King of kings! But the American Church has lost its identity. A rash of confusion has flooded the American pulpit and the virus is infecting those in the pew. Jesus commanded us to “Occupy ‘til I come.” Today’s pul- pits are preparing the saints for an evacuation rather than an occupation. Look, Christianity is more than simply “getting people saved.” Jesus told us to go and teach so that there would be more soldiers for the battle. Getting people “saved” IS EXPANDING the King- dom! The Kingdom advances with each new re- cruit. What is it the Lord’s prayer says… “THY KINGDOM COME, THY WILL BE DONE, ON EARTH…?” Why has Christianity washed its hands of cultural issues? Politics is messy business but it is THROUGH the political process that God’s Kingdom can be expanded. “Teaching them to observe all I have commanded you…” But American Christianity has an identity crisis… a form of Alzheimer's disease where we have forgot- ten who we are. How else can you explain the con-
we serve. Could you name for me one area of the American society that Jesus Christ is not King over? Educa- tion? Media? Entertainment? Medicine? Govern- ment? The fact that His Church is not fighting to crown Him King in the battle for the culture does not mean He is not the rightful and ultimate au- thority. Jesus said “ALL POWER IS GIVEN UNTO ME BOTH IN HEAVEN AND EARTH.” If He has all power why are the children of the devil running everything? Is God pleased with the moral confusion in this nation? Is this REALLY what He wanted for the “shining city set on a hill?” The stewardship of American society by Christ’s ambassadors to this world has been abysmal. The American Church has a major identity crisis. We have forgotten who is King. Don’t blame the devil and his minions for fighting for this world. They are only doing what their leader asked them to do. Why don’t believers do the same? Christians are suffering from Spiritual dementia. Web: E-Mail:
terized by progressive or persistent loss of intellec- tual functioning, especially with impairment of memory and abstract thinking, and often with per- sonality change, resulting from organic disease of the brain.” The Church is supposed to be the caretaker of the culture but today too many churches have de- mented leadership. Let me put it another way. Is Almighty God schiz- ophrenic? Why would He COMMAND us to “go and teach all nations (ethos…ethnic groups) to observe all things whatsoever He commanded us” if, as our pastors tell us, we were not supposed to mix reli- gion and politics? Sorry folks. Religion IS politics. Luciferians run our Government. According to I John 3:8, “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.” That is what Jesus accom- plished by His death on the cross…He destroyed the works of the devil! Perhaps God has dementia. Perhaps God is con- fused. Perhaps God was unsure of why He had His Son publicly murdered. Satan is defined as “The Prince of the Power of the air.” But he is a PRINCE — not a KING. A
Prince is subjected to the authority of THE KING. Jesus is the KING of KINGS. He rules and reigns over ALL the earth. Right now. Today. Jesus is King… RIGHT NOW! The American Christi- anity has lost sight of who we are and Whom we serve. We have a massive identity crisis. Just like a dementia pa- tient, we have forgotten who we are and Whom
Random Thoughts From a Disciple of Jesus Christ (Commentaries on America’s ‘Hot Button Issues!) Make The Pulpit Great Again (12 Things Christians Can DO Right Now!) Matthew 1-9 (A Commentary for the Remnant of J esus Christ!) Mark 1-8 (A Commentary for the Remnant of J esus Christ!)
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