WCN Mid May to Mid June 2024 Edition

Volume 25, Issue 2 Letters to the E d itor


Page 17

Answering God’s Call

Editor, Wisconsin Christian News: May 2024

tember 22, 1989, was the day I listened to the ad- vice of my son and mutual friend, Clint West, and responded to Christ’s invitation. My life has never been the same. In Jeremiah 29:11 God further tells us, “I know the plans I have for you; plans to give you hope and a future.” Thirty five years later God contin-

ues to reveal His never ending plans for me. Unlike the Fed-ex driver who has no idea what gifts he brings or how they will benefit the recip- ient, God knows exactly what gifts we need and how they will give purpose to our lives, as they glorify Him. It saddens me when I think of all the people in this world, especially my friends and family members, who are going through life totally unaware of the exciting plans God has for them. Is God knocking at the door of your heart right now? Do you not wonder if He can truly transform your life, replace that emptiness with new direction and new purpose, new friends? Well then, what are you waiting for? Answer His call! Accept His invitation! Then watch your Creator fill your life with meaning, pur- pose and joy in ways you could never imagine. -Dave Koy, Rothschild, Wis.

Imagine seeing a FedEx truck suddenly stop at your home. You watch the driver fill his arms with gifts, all of them with your name on them. He approaches your entrance and rings the door- bell. How do you react? Would you not throw open the door and exclaim, “Please come in! Are all those gifts for me?” Does your curiosity not beg to know what surprises await you in each of those gifts? In a similar manner in Revelation 3:20 we see Christ in the role of the FedEx driver: “Be- hold! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door I will come in and dine with him, (bringing gifts).” One of the benefits we receive when we ac- cept Christ’s invitation and develop a relation- ship with Him is His eagerness to fill our life with boundless surprises and blessings. Sep-

Justified & Acceptable Theft

Editor, Wisconsin Christian News: May 2024 Exodus 20:15, “Thou shalt not steal!” Except when it becomes legal, and justified by man’s law and/or government, and then of course it’s okay. It becomes okay in just about anybody and everybody’s minds. Even those who say they are followers of Christ and who say they follow His Kingdom’s law system. Through ignorance, greed (covetousness), or apathy, we have a society and nation that now accepts stealing as an acceptable way of doing business, and a part of every- day lives. The American people have become so brainwashed by the government state-con- trolled schools, and by a con- trolled all-inclusive news and entertainment media, that we have “learned” to, at first tol- erate, then accept and now demand our god’s (state’s) legal “benefits” by thievery! We no longer call it stealing! We call it “paying our fair share,” spreading the wealth around, giving to the “needy.” It makes no difference that the funds needed to fulfill the desires and “needs” of others was coveted (stolen) by force from someone who lawfully earned them. It’s okay be- cause our new “god,” our provider, our protector, our refuge and strength, the State, made the thievery legal! After all, we “freely” elected people to office to “represent” us and to look out for us. I mean, that’s why we voted for them wasn’t it? To become our “lord and overseer?” The “state” has become our “god” who watches over us instead of God Himself. (Psalm 46:1, Matthew 6:33). Even though it’s contrary to God’s Holy and righteous law: it’s okay, our new god, the state said so!

Theft is still theft whether it’s done with a gun or by a “law” of man! There are no exceptions, and no excuses for stealing! Although the Bible says it can be “under- standable” in some cases, (Proverbs 6:30-31) it is still sin! Even when done “legally” and taken by force! (Exodus 20:17, I Timothy 6:10, Mark 10:19, Ephesians 4:28, Colossians 3:5) to covet, even legally, is idolatry! Covetous: Strongs - N.T. 4123, 4124 - “defrauding, greediness, desire more.” Now, for you who do not be- lieve in the true God (Yah- weh, Jehovah) or His word, given as our instruction book and law to follow, I will ad- dress briefly the documents that millions reach out to for protection and guidance for our nation. The one en- shrined in The National Archives of our nation’s capi- tol, the one so many respect and revere, and to a “limited” degree, it’s worthy of it, the ones we know as the Consti- tution and Bill of Rights. Again, Hosaiah 4:6-7 is very applicable to America. Just as with most Christians and the study of the Bible, very few have ever totally read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, much less studied them. If they did, they would soon discover that nowhere in these so called “sacred” documents are there to be found any basis for America’s system of “legal” thievery! Nowhere will you find man, or his govern- ment, given the authority to make a “law” that makes it okay to steal from anyone for any reason! Quite the con- trary! Prove me wrong if you can. Biblically or Constitu- tionally. Let us face the real truth today, folks! Very few could long exist without the prac- tice of legal thievery! I am no exception. Because of the knowledge I have been blessed with, and willing to

accept, I could do better, and survive longer than many, but it would be very difficult! The majority of young people couldn’t come close to surviv- ing on their own without re- sorting to thievery and violence! Without our new “god’s” provision, society would melt into a violent mass of chaos! Americans have learned to accept and embrace social orders that people hated and sought to destroy in our na- tion’s early years. Through the “dumbing down” of our society, we now readily ac- cept and even demand social- ism and total communism! America has become unre- deemable as far as moral or righteous liberty and freedom are concerned! People don’t understand or even remotely comprehend what the con- cept of true liberty and free- dom are! Although we call out for it! Even though we claim we have it, we haven’t the faintest idea of what it truly is! Real liberty and free- dom requires and demands a level of responsibility that most are not prepared to ac- cept! It would scare them to death! So, let’s accept the facts stated above for what they are, and continue to do what we can to protect the few “privileges” we have left that our god, the state, grants us and warn the people of God’s righteous judgment on indi- viduals and nations! Tell them about the saving grace of His Son, Jesus Christ! Fight the good fight of faith! Continue on well doing! Do not give up! (Proverbs 24:10, Galatians 6:9). We may have been deceived into an earthly tyranny, but by His grace and mercy we can dwell as free people in His Kingdom now and for eternity! -Pastor Butch Paugh, Nettie, WV

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