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Volume 25, Issue 2
Wise, Intentional Lea d ership Development
One Is Too Small To Attain Significance
By Mike Prom May 2024
no longer needs me? Insecurity will do that to you and me. The value of significance leads me to listen, seek to understand, ask questions, work alongside, and make it about someone else other than me. That is being humble. If we intention- ally make it our job to understand oth-
Looking at a person as significant in- creases their value in your eyes. Significance is applying 1 Corinthi- ans 12 to our lives. In reading this chapter, we see how significant and vital Christians are to each other. The Holy Spirit gives gifts as He chooses for the good of all. We are all part of
ated to be. God created Christians of all backgrounds to become one in Him. Together there is so much more impact for the Kingdom of Heaven than if we independently functioned. Wise, Intentional Leadership D evel- opment (WIL D ) is a Christ-centered, interdenominational, international or- ganization which e x ists to effectively implement Biblical leadership princi- ples to leaders of all ages in an inten- tional, strategic manner. WIL D builds Christ-centered relationships with people throughout the world to equip Christians with tools, skills and writ- ten, instructional resources for disci- pleship and mentoring. Leaders conte x tualize the training material to their cultures and are pro- vided opportunities to teach their own people. WIL D empowers Christian leaders to develop leaders because we believe leadership multiplication is essential for the infrastructure and growth of families, churches and com- munities.
D o you believe one is too small a number to attain significance? Are you a loner or even if you have a team working with you, are you working as a team? It is easy to have a group of people around you and all they do is what you tell them to do and never think and develop on their own. Team- mates complete each other, not com- pete. If you do not understand signifi- cance, then you will miss out on what you can possibly become. You may simply want little imitators of you run- ning around. Heed the words of An- drew Carnegie, “It marks a big step in your development when you come to realize that other people can help you do a better job than you could do alone.” Si x teenth Century Florentine states- man, Nicolo Michiavelli said, “The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him.” How intelligent are you? Be a ladder builder. D o not just climb the ladder of your own life. Help others build their ladders of where they are going in life by encour- aging, equipping, and empowering them to become the person she/he has been created to become. When you empower, you give permission to that person to be oneself when ac- complishing the task given. Am I happy for a leader I help to move on without me and seek others who will help in their growth develop- ment? Or am I upset that the leader
ers and find common ground, it will be amaz i ng what can be accom- plished and the respect you will re- ceive. Having p e o p l e know that they can count on me, that I am trust- worthy, and I have their
One Body but are di- verse in dif- f e r e n t functions. The value is the same for each member. Treat each member of the Body with honor, respec t , and love. We need each other to com-
plete the Body and to be most effective at what we indi- vidually do. From Ephesians 4:11-13, leadership is to build up, encourage and em- power one other to serve and cause maturity in each believer resulting in unity. By helping one another, we will gain a greater understanding, aware- ness, and fulfillment of what it means to be the Family of God. None of us can become complete by ourselves because we need others to help us become who we are cre-
WILD: Wise Intentional Leadership Developoment
back, speaks volumes. Simon Sinek says, “ P eople don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” That “why” is one’s motives. If my motive involves making the other person as significant as possible, that the relationship be- tween the two of us is more important than productivity, then they know how I value them. Significance causes someone to give first and continually. I listen be- cause I value you, I encourage you because I want the best for you.
Intentionally D eveloping Multi-Gen- erational Leaders Throughout The World Mike P rom International D irector P .O. Bo x 502 Rhinelander, WI., 54501 715-367-9453
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