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Volume 25, Issue 2
Natural Family Month — A Simple Solution
By JR Harrison, Natural Family Foundation May 2024
a “made up” thing. Forgetting, of course, it wasn’t until quite recently that we started officially celebrating “exceptional sexual behaviors” with their recent made up month-long cel- ebrations as well. And of course there is no “perfect family” anyway. Yes of course but when we focus on a best practice everyone wins, right? Just the “simple” facts ma’am. Folks, we’re making things a lot harder than they really need to be, especially when it comes for our children. Cele- brating a historical and evidence-based best practice not only makes sense but it is a positive approach. An approach which leaves the advocates of sexual anomalies scratching their heads wondering why we are not complaining like we usually do. In fact it actually puts them in the complainer’s corner. Oops! And for the record, a Natural Family celebration is the most inclusive event there could ever be because it includes every human who has been born. So it’s really quite simple. Instead of complaining about the darkness, why not instead light a candle starting on May 12 by celebrating the Family as supported by “the laws of nature and natures God?” Amen? PUBLISHER’S NOTE: See also page 3 and 5 of this edition of Wisconsin Christian News. Tel: 614-918-8228
Mother’s day and ending on Father's day annually? You know, “one biologi- cal born man and woman in a lifelong committed, monogamous relationship with their children — biological or adopted”. Let’s call that a “best prac-
tice” or how about an “ideal” family situation, if you will. This, instead of our current feel good, experimental, anything goes paradigm when it comes to the family, leaving too many children stuck without one or even both of their par- ents. Consider this please. When we alter the historic best fam- ily practice there’s undeniable evidence that children will be less likely to be a problem in society. It is a known fact that children who are brought up in natural family environments live happier, more productive lives, have less mental illness and drug usage, etc. The list goes on and yes there are no guaran- tees of success in life but a natural family environment certainly makes it more likely. If you need further living proof visit any prison inmate about their family life. I rest my case. But wait, an entire month for the concept of natural family? C’mon man, maybe a day — but a month? You’re asking for way
too much! Ok, maybe but first let’s take a quick look at our cur- rent American Celebration Calendar with an eye on one item, the Gay/LGBTQ + identity crowd. For instance, did you know that when it comes to this trending sexual rage, there are no less than 75 LGBTQP+ affirming cel- ebrations, be it a day, a week and/or month of the year? This in- cludes multiple celebrations every month of the year with five of those entire months being declared as some version of a “Gay
Pride” month. The bottom line is that there is a celebration taking place every month for a group that accounts for less than 10% of the population. In a recent conversation with a gentleman who took exception to our Natural Family Month, it was suggested that a Natural Family month was just
The Three Greatest Cries From Heaven By Brian Aish May 2024
Assisting Pastors... bring encouragement to hospital patients from their congregations. “I was sick and you visited Me.” Matthew 25:36b
country are falsely converted! And if you are, so is your spouse! As “birds of a feather...” and so will your children be. If your parents failed to teach you, they, very likely, failed to teach your siblings and all their families will be spir- itually dead as well! And, just like God’s Word warns us, multiple generations are being lost for a “lack of knowl- edge.” As Dr. Steve Lawson stated, “No church will rise any higher than its pulpit!” So, when the church leaders are spir- itually dead, so will the entire congregation be. And, when
Two of the greatest cries that come out of heaven are for the “Great Commission” and loving the “least of these!” Part of the second greatest cry is for our pre-born neighbors and brothers, who continue to be tortured to death, by the thou- sands, daily. The Great Commission, is the greatest responsibility that we have as Christians. We profess to have the greatest An- tidote, the Gospel, to the greatest cancer of humanity, our sin. But, for a moment, re-
Pastor Randy VanDeLoo, Evangelical Hospital Chaplain, Inc. Bo x 153 • Marshfield, WI 54449 at the Marshfield Medical Center Tel: (715) 650-0990 Email:
the husbands/fathers return home, they will train their families, to be just as spiri- tually dead. And we see this playing out today! Seven thousand people are dying each day and 6,950 of them dying without the Gospel and many not realizing they are going to die that day.
move all God’s COM- MANDS that REQUIRE us to share the Gospel and to respond to our pre-born neighbors and brothers.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Because of privacy laws, it is important that when being admitted as a patient, you register under the NAME of your church or request Pastor Randy VanDeLoo be authorized to visit. Have a church secretary or individual call us directly to inform us of the patient’s name.
How cold does your heart have to be to know the hor- rors of hell and the Gospel that saves us from that hell and not warn people you ei- ther know are not saved or you don’t know if they are saved?
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If it is you who are to die tomorrow, do you want to give an account for spending today serving God or serving yourself? And, if all the lost souls and all the “least of these,” that we either tried to save or we ignored, are present on the day of our Judgement, will they testify for us or against us? Remember, Jesus said, truth Me! And I will change your heart from a heart of stone to a heart of flesh! But, you must completely put your trust in Him; not your “left-overs.” Adding Jesus to your “lifestyle” on Sunday mornings is not making Him Lord and Savior of your life! Ignoring these three great cries is akin to going to the Ten Commandments and saying, “Lord, I will obey those seven, but I will continue to disobey those three!,” and, still believ- ing that we can walk and have fellowship with Him! What a delusion we are living in! If this includes you, it, very likely, includes your entire fam- ily! Repent and turn to Jesus Christ, today, and start follow- ing Him, genuinely! You may not have another “tomorrow” and your children are following you today! And THOU- SANDS of lost souls and babies are “crying out for mercy!” Brian Aish • 520-404-1142 or email me at Email:
Or, that thousands of innocent babies are being ripped apart, daily (just like those you have held in your arms so you know how precious they are!), and, yet, do nothing about it and be ok with thousands being tortured to death, daily? Now, how much more wicked and depraved must your heart be to actually train your own children to ignore these things as well, both by your words and by your actions (as our children follow their parents!)? I know that nobody intends on being this wicked or evil, but, this is the result of comparing yourselves to other “dead souls” around you, trusting a dead “church” (that teaches you can walk with Christ while ignoring His commands and the least of these), trusting your hearts and “picking and choosing” what you obey and what you ignore (disobey!). Now... add in all God’s commands to do these things and you have a very serious faith problem! Statistics show (and Jesus’ words back this up!), only 2% of those who profess Christ, have truly “died to self” and have given their lives to Jesus! And, as Jesus said, you will know them by their fruit! This means that 98% of those who profess Christ in this
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