Volume 25, Issue 2
Page 7
Lighting A Candle (Continued from P age 5)
JR has created a website, NaturalFamilyStrong.com , where he lays out the plan, and offers a pledge people can sign to affirm their support of God’s ordained design for the NATURAL family: one biological man married to one biological woman united in a monogamous marriage for life, bearing and raising Godly chil- dren in the fear and admonition of the Lord. There’s overwhelming scientific evidence showing that children thrive within the Natural Family. There’s much less poverty, mental illness, drug use, rage and rebellion, and chil- dren grow up to be much happier and well-adjusted adults when raised within the Natural Family.
nival” with silly stuff and meaningless games. All of the activities we have planned are designed to bring fami- lies together and to honor God’s de- sign for the natural family...again, one real man and one real woman, united in marriage and bearing and raising children for the glory of God. One activity will involve children and their parents learning to plant and grow things. We’ll provide small flower and vegetable plants, soil and pots, so children can work together with their parents to grow something. Once planted, we’ll have a little sign that reads “I love my family” that they can decorate their pot with.
which are filled with uplifting, positive stories of families...with the gospel message woven throughout. And here’s the best part: the stories will be read by GRANDPARENTS. So, we’ll be connecting the oldest gener- ation with the youngest generation, and these grandparents will also share the wisdom of their own life’s experiences with the young kids who listen. I strongly believe we need to return honor and VALUE to our elders, who are so easily forgot- ten and minimalized in today’s cul- ture.
deeply touched and transformed as we will show them and demonstrate to them what a natural family is. We’re lighting a candle, rather than cursing the darkness and it’s my hope that other people, in communities all across this nation, will grab ahold of this vision and put together Natural
Family Festivals for their own towns. If you’d like to learn how you can eas- ily do this in your town, please contact me. Email: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com Phone: (715) 486-8066
We’ll also have a petting zoo, pony and cart rides, other craft opportuni-
ties for kids and their parents to cre- ate and build things together, and we will have acappella music sung by fam- ilies from our local Mennonite commu- nity. So instead of silly songs, comedy and frivolous “enter- tainment,” we’ll be offering beautiful music — hymns sung together by FAMILIES. There will also be a mobile Creation Museum,
Last June, I came up with an idea, but it was too late to put into ac- tion then. This year, thanks to other ministry friends, the idea is coming to fruition — and God has greatly blessed this plan, which fo- cuses on “lighting a candle” instead of cursing the darkness. Mind you, in prior years
as we went to witness for Christ at these sodomite events, we weren’t “cursing” anyone. We were there to shine the light of Christ and have meaningful, thoughtful and loving conversations with those so lost and deceived by Satan. Unfortunately, in this sort of environment, our little band of Christian brothers and sisters were no match for the demonic spirits inhabiting a half million people — in- cluding city government leaders, po- lice officers, pastors and churches. So this year, we’re preparing some- thing totally different, for June 29th. That’s the day the “drag queens” will be performing in a downtown family park. Once again, men will be dressed as outrageous prostitutes and will be dancing and gyrating in sexually suggestive ways in front of little children. They’ll also be dressing little children in “drag” and teaching them how to “strut their stuff” in front of the adults there. But on this same day, a few blocks away, at another city park, we will be hosting a Natural Family Festival. This is our attempt to “light a candle” in this community and as I wrote in my article last year, to “show them what a natural family is.” The mayor of the city has agreed to open our festival with a speech on the value of families...natural families. We will have other excellent speakers to encourage people to cherish the in- stitution of the family...the Godly foun- dation for a Godly nation. And then we’ll have activities, for children and adults. But not just any sort of ac- tivities. This is not some sort of “car-
showing how God created the world in six days, and how the first family began. This will be an opportunity to turn the hearts of the fathers back to- ward their children. To re-connect the grandparents with their grand- children, for moms and daughters to connect in substantial ways, to hear meaningful stories of how God de- signed the family to really be. To HONOR our parents, our elders, and get our young people out of the clutches of pop culture and turn THEIR hearts back to respecting themselves, each other and their mothers, fathers and families. Friends, as goes the church, so goes the family. Sadly, our churches have failed to build solid God-hon- oring families. But also, as goes the family, so goes the nation. And we can all easily see how desperately our nation needs strong families again — free of the shackles of mindless TikTok videos and gaming and soul-sucking electronic “enter- tainment” and social media. We’re offering a clear and stark al- ternative. This community will have the opportunity to see two com- pletely different worldviews on the same day just a few blocks apart: the celebration of sodomite “pride,” “drag queen” perversion and sexual grooming of children versus the wholesome, NATURAL FAMILY the way it used to be; the way God de- signed it to be and the way it should be. In the end, I believe the people of this small town will be deeply im- pacted and I pray that hearts are
Another activity will include boys working with their dads to build a sim- ple birdhouse or bird feeder. Again, this activity is meant to connect fa- thers together with their sons and build something — achieve some- thing — together. At another station, we’ll be doing a bigger project, to involve the older children. Under the supervision of ex- pert builders, young teens will be building an actual house — a play- house — throughout the day. This will provide an opportunity for dads to work with their teenagers and actually learn to build a HOUSE! When it’s completed, we’ll draw one name from among those who worked on the proj- ect and the winner will win the play- house... here again, we’re connecting dads with teens, and teens will learn they can build and achieve something of great significance, with their own two hands, alongside their dads. We’ll also set up a lemonade stand... but not just any lemonade stand. Next to our stand, we’ll have a “Help Wanted” sign, and children ages 5-13 can sign up for half-hour segments to work at the stand. We’ll supply the lemonade, cups and ice. Kids just need to sign up and show up for “work.” At the end of their shift, they get to keep what they’ve earned. This teaches kids how to “get a job,” and the satisfaction of learning to work, and how to earn money. And we all know the “drag queens” offer “story time.” We’ll have story time too. But OUR stories will come from the old McGuffey Readers,
345 Main Street P .O. Bo x 190 Wild Rose, WI 54984 (920) 622-3312 TomLauritzen@yahoo.com HuntWildRose.com
We will also take your gun on trade!
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