Volume 25, Issue 2
Page 9
The Salt & Light Briga d e
Spiritual Dementia
By Coach Dave Daubenmire May 2024
fusion that is masquerading as American Christianity? Did you know that there are 45,000 DENOMINATIONS of Christianity in the world today? Did you know that the word “De- nominate” is a math term? Re- member second grade math? Numerator and denominator. The numeration is the whole number while the denominator is the number used to DIVIDE the whole number. Is it any wonder there is so much demen- tia in the Body of Christ? Oh, by the way, dementia is defined as “a condition charac-
I’ve recently begun to ask my- self what in the world is wrong with the churches? Jesus told us that we were supposed to be “the salt of the earth and the light of the world” but the im- pact of Christianity on the American culture and the
American way of life is almost non-existent. Jesus called it “losing his savor…good for noth- ing…except to be cast out and trodden under the foot of man.” American Christianity has been trodden flatter than a pancake. How has this happened? Jesus told us to “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to ob- serve all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” By the way, it is called the Great Command- ment…GO and TEACH. It is a commission, an order…not a suggestion…from our COMMANDER IN CHIEF…KING. Go teach them to OBSERVE… follow…what I taught YOU! And what is the reward you receive when you OBEY HIS COMMAND? “And ye shall be hated of all men for My name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.” That’s called “spreading the Gospel.” What good is KNOWING the Gospel if you can’t, or won’t, teach it to others? When we fail to do so we are disobey- ing a direct order from the King of kings! But the American Church has lost its identity. A rash of confusion has flooded the American pulpit and the virus is infecting those in the pew. Jesus commanded us to “Occupy ‘til I come.” Today’s pul- pits are preparing the saints for an evacuation rather than an occupation. Look, Christianity is more than simply “getting people saved.” Jesus told us to go and teach so that there would be more soldiers for the battle. Getting people “saved” IS EXPANDING the King- dom! The Kingdom advances with each new re- cruit. What is it the Lord’s prayer says… “THY KINGDOM COME, THY WILL BE DONE, ON EARTH…?” Why has Christianity washed its hands of cultural issues? Politics is messy business but it is THROUGH the political process that God’s Kingdom can be expanded. “Teaching them to observe all I have commanded you…” But American Christianity has an identity crisis… a form of Alzheimer's disease where we have forgot- ten who we are. How else can you explain the con-
we serve. Could you name for me one area of the American society that Jesus Christ is not King over? Educa- tion? Media? Entertainment? Medicine? Govern- ment? The fact that His Church is not fighting to crown Him King in the battle for the culture does not mean He is not the rightful and ultimate au- thority. Jesus said “ALL POWER IS GIVEN UNTO ME BOTH IN HEAVEN AND EARTH.” If He has all power why are the children of the devil running everything? Is God pleased with the moral confusion in this nation? Is this REALLY what He wanted for the “shining city set on a hill?” The stewardship of American society by Christ’s ambassadors to this world has been abysmal. The American Church has a major identity crisis. We have forgotten who is King. Don’t blame the devil and his minions for fighting for this world. They are only doing what their leader asked them to do. Why don’t believers do the same? Christians are suffering from Spiritual dementia. Web: www.CoachDaveLive.com E-Mail: Coach@CoachDaveLive.com
terized by progressive or persistent loss of intellec- tual functioning, especially with impairment of memory and abstract thinking, and often with per- sonality change, resulting from organic disease of the brain.” The Church is supposed to be the caretaker of the culture but today too many churches have de- mented leadership. Let me put it another way. Is Almighty God schiz- ophrenic? Why would He COMMAND us to “go and teach all nations (ethos…ethnic groups) to observe all things whatsoever He commanded us” if, as our pastors tell us, we were not supposed to mix reli- gion and politics? Sorry folks. Religion IS politics. Luciferians run our Government. According to I John 3:8, “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.” That is what Jesus accom- plished by His death on the cross…He destroyed the works of the devil! Perhaps God has dementia. Perhaps God is con- fused. Perhaps God was unsure of why He had His Son publicly murdered. Satan is defined as “The Prince of the Power of the air.” But he is a PRINCE — not a KING. A
Prince is subjected to the authority of THE KING. Jesus is the KING of KINGS. He rules and reigns over ALL the earth. Right now. Today. Jesus is King… RIGHT NOW! The American Christi- anity has lost sight of who we are and Whom we serve. We have a massive identity crisis. Just like a dementia pa- tient, we have forgotten who we are and Whom
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