
Providing environments that help your business thrive We will invest in our properties to create the right environment for your arch business

• We are investing to bring more than 600 additional arches back into use to help support local economic activity and increase flexibility as your business grows. Already more than 360 arches are back up and running or being actively marketed across our estate. We are currently investing in refurbishment and building programmes to bring 240 additional arches back into use. • We are addressing the backlog of maintenance issues that you have told us about. We undertook an inspection of the estate in our first six weeks and instructed immediate works to address specific issues such as cleaning common areas and repairing boundary fencing. • Over the next six months we are carrying out a formal review of both maintenance and service levels across the estate. Any additional shortcomings we identify we will address through a prioritised programme and we will update tenants and representative groups on our progress in our regular meetings going forward. • We are planning to invest significant amounts to improve the estate over the coming years. We are evaluating proposed initiatives and will properly manage the areas that you share with other arches, focusing on cleaning, security, and waste collection. • We will use high-quality trustworthy contractors, who will agree to clear timescales for delivering works, while seeking to minimise disruption to your business. Timescale will likely vary from project to project, but we expect our contractors to give tenants a clear timetable and regular updates on progress against that. • We will ensure our contractors evidence their qualifications, affiliations to appropriate trade / industry bodies, and knowledge of best practice and industry standards. • We will share this Charter with all sub-contractors and sub-landlords and recommend they adhere to the same principles. • Other than for emergency works, we will endeavour to give as much advance notice as possible, but a minimum of two weeks, for any works and Arch Company inspections, that may impact your business operations. This will be in writing, by letter or email. • If there are any concerns on the progress of these maintenance works, you will be able to escalate your concerns to the Head of Tenant Relations. • Our Tenants Handbook will set out the process for raising maintenance issues. In each circumstance, we will assess who is responsible for the works required and if necessary, coordinate with Network Rail.


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