Focus PT February 2018

can safely eat it raw, candied, as a supplement, in tea, or in baked goods. Ginger is most effective when it’s ingested raw or in capsule form. If you have morning sickness, raw ginger might do the trick. Just ask the people of ancient China. Like many spices, ginger’s use as a supplement goes back centuries. Southeast Asian countries used it to ease their own common ailments. Call it tried and true. Peppermint You can use peppermint as an essential oil, steep the leaves for tea, or take a supplement capsule. Each form comes with its own benefits. As an essential oil, peppermint is great for treating colds. It’s a mild decongestant, and it helps with coughs and stuffed-up noses. It also soothes sore throats and headaches. Rub one or two drops under your nose, on your temples, or over your sinuses and feel the relief wash over you! Even further, a study published by The BMJ found that when administered as a capsule, peppermint helped reduce the symptoms of IBS in a majority of patients. Need a Little Spice In Your Life?

Spices and herbs add much more than flavor and aroma to your favorite beverages and treats. They also offer many health benefits. When properly utilized, these spice rack staples can ease a variety of symptoms. Ready to find your new holistic health kick? Read on. Nutmeg This spice, known for its earthy, nutty flavor, has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Want to calm nagging pain? This spice has been used to treat joint pain and arthritis. It can even be used to remedy bad breath. Nutmeg is most potent when it’s freshly grated, so it’s recommended you purchase whole nutmeg seed, found in most specialty food stores. You can incorporate nutmeg into your diet by taking it as a supplement in capsule form or simply sprinkling it into your next chai tea. Your achy joints will thank you. Ginger This root is an essential natural anti-inflammatory. It can help ease an upset stomach and finally tame your nausea. You “I have been a gymnast for nearly 10 years now, and tearing my ACL a year ago put me in my all-time low for the sport. To think, only a few months earlier, I accepted a full athletic scholarship to the University of Washington. Someone telling me I couldn’t do the sport I love for a year seemed impossible. I couldn’t imagine how I would come back. Thankfully, a good friend, Melanie Kinder, referred me to Julian. She told me such great stories of how much he helped. I was skeptical if he was really that good, but Julian did not disappoint. He helped me not only physically, but mentally, too. He always made me feel better leaving than when I came in. I have now made a full recovery and can’t thank Julian enough.” -Ellie Bagley SUCCESS STORY


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