
“Healthy wetland ecosystems provide people with clean water, provide nurseries for aquatic life upon which local communities depend, and act as critical carbon sinks serving both adaptation and mitigation.” mrema-executive-secretary-general-convention-biological- diversity Elizabeth Maruma Mrema Executive Secretary, Convention on Biological Diversity on the occasion of World Wildlife Day “Less than 1% of the water on Earth is usable freshwater and is mostly stored in wetlands such as rivers, streams, lakes, marshes, estuaries, and aquifers. We are in a water crisis with profound consequences and wetlands are at the heart of its resolution.” Martha Rojas Urrego Secretary General, Ramsar Convention on


“Marshes and other wetlands may seem unproductive and inhospitable to humans, but in fact they provide us with essential services. They store carbon, give us clean water and food, protect us from floods, as well as offer habitats for one in ten of the world’s known species.” Dr Bruno Oberle IUCN Director General on the launch of IUCN Red List - Dec 2021. set=1-

Wetlands, on the occasion of World Wetlands Day 2022

“The shrinking availability of water and impact on resource availability in places like Chad contributes to the fragility of the Sahel region. Inclusion of water and wetlands in the NDCs is important but it’s equally important to include the link to conflict. Communities themselves are key to joined-up land and water management. Bringing in the local and indigenous peoples’ knowledge is vital to transforming the landscape” ve-investment-needed-to-scale-up-wetland-recovery-for-clima- te-action/ Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim Peul Mbororo, Indigenous Women and Peoples Association of Chad jas-urrego-secretary-general-of-the-convention-on-wet- lands-on-world-0

“Why should wetlands be top of our agenda? Because improving the way we manage, recreate and share wetlands is so critical that if we get it wrong, history has proven that it can bring about disease, species extinction, mass migration and even war. However, if we get it right, they will continue to bring clean water, abundance of food, jobs, leisure, wildlife experiences and greater well-being.” Sacha Dench Ambassador for the UN’s Convention on Migratory Species & CEO & Founder of Conservation without Borders



Wetlands International Annual Review 2021

Wetlands International Annual Review 2021

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