Board Converting News, December 11, 2023

PPC Seeks Cartons, Rising Stars For Award Competition, Woods Scholar Of The Year The Paperboard Packaging Council (PPC) is accepting entries and nomi- nations for two of its top industry honors in support of packaging educa- First is the J. Edwards Woods Scholar of the Year Award, recognizing passionate and innovative rising stars in the folding carton industry. Nom- inations are due by February 9, 2024, and the winner will be announced during the Spring Conference April 17-19, 2024. The late J. Edward Woods, who served as Chief Executive Officer of Gulf States Paper Corporation, was a generous and enthusiastic support- tion and innovations in carton design. J. Edward Woods Scholar Of The Year

er of PPC and the paperboard packaging industry as a whole. In addition to serving as PPC’s Board Chair and receiving the as- sociation’s lifetime achievement award, Ed was dedicated to engaging the next gener- ation of paperboard packaging professionals through training and outreach. In honor of Ed’s commitment and dedication, his family established the J. Edward Woods Scholar Award, which is given annually to a passion- ate and enthusiastic rising star in the folding carton industry. Winners receive a scholar- ship to attend Folding Carton Boot Camp, the

J. Edward Woods

PPC’s signature training on “all things” paperboard packaging. “It would take a person countless years of experience to be exposed to all the topics covered in Folding Carton Boot Camp. Regardless of one’s background, everyone in the industry can benefit from this all-en- compassing program,” said Doug Woods of Dixie Pulp & Paper. “My family and I are delighted to honor my father’s legacy by naming a Woods Schol- ar and empowering industry growth and next-generation learning through PPC’s Folding Carton Boot Camp.” All PPC Principal and Associate member companies in good standing

are eligible to nominate up to five employees per Boot Camp cycle for the award and scholarship. Nomi- nees that have already attended a Folding Carton Boot Camp session are not eligible for the award. The nomination form requires each PPC member company to iden- tify the candidate by name, title, con- tact information, as well as the length of time in the industry and with the company. The nominating party must confirm that the nominee has per- mission to travel to Springfield, Mas- sachusetts to participate in the up- coming Folding Carton Boot Camp.

WestRock was the winner of the Paperboard Package of the Year in 2023 for the WhistlePig Piggybank.

A panel of three judges from the PPC Board of Directors will select a winner and a runner-up based on the nominee’s commitment to learn- ing as well as their passion and interest in professional longevity in the folding carton industry. Judging will be blind, and the panel of judges will



December 11, 2023

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