Content After making the outline you reach the biggest step – the writing itself. And what is the most important and often difficult thing about writing? To actually start doing it, and regularly. “Nulla dies sine linea” (not a day without a line), as the Latin expression rightly suggests. To turn writing into a habit, you have to organize your writing routine. Below are a few useful tips on how to achieve it. We follow these tips every day as well, or at least try to :)
Commit to writing a certain number of words a day. Try to estimate the length of your future ebook and set a writing deadline for yourself, in order to understand how many words you should write daily. Write your ebook at the time of day that works best for you. We all stick to different daily rhythms. So if you’re active and focused in the mornings, then that’s when you should be writing. If you’re at your best in the afternoons or evenings, do your writing then.
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