FSB Memebership A4-benefit-booklet-Nov-2023

“The benefits the FSB bring are their resources. That’s an important thing for us and also their voice. We don’t get to speak to people in government or anything like that. But the FSB do. So they represent us. ”

Gordon Peters, Highland Heating Management

FSB Advocacy Effective policy campaigning and influencing decision makers.

Our national advocacy initiatives start with Big Voice, our online research community, which impacts policy decisions at all levels of government. Through engaging with Big Voice, you give us the insights we need to shape our approach to public policy. Make sure you sign up at fsbbigvoice.co.uk.

Through continuous engagement at the highest levels, we secure meaningful help for members – recent examples include: • Income support for sole traders and employees unable to work due to the pandemic • Cash grants for businesses hardest-hit by lockdowns • Treasury-backed emergency loans for all small firms • New incentives to employ young people through apprenticeships and the Kickstart initiative

• Business rates breaks for

• Exempted small businesses from advertising rules that would have prevented many small businesses from advertising online • VAT cut for small hospitality, accommodation, food and attraction businesses

businesses struggling due to COVID-19 and fundamental reform of this tax to take thousands out of the system • An SME Brexit Support Fund for firms that trade with the EU and dedicated small business chapters in new trade deals • An Employment Allowance discount on National Insurance (NI) costs for small businesses and an NI holiday for employers who take on veterans

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