February, 1945
ing the right things all the time, you won’t have to say ‘don’t’ ?” “That’S an important and happy lesson to learn,” she said. “A man who lived long ago, when the Lord Jesus was on earth, had to learn it.” LESSON STORY: The man was a lawyer. He had studied thè law fór a long time; he had learned a great deal; he thought he knew everything. One day he asked Jesus a question— not because he wanted to know the truth from Jesus, but because he wanted to trick Him if he could. "Which is the greatest command ment in the law?” the man asked. He thought Jesus would give him an an swer with a “ don’t” in it: “Thou shalt not kill,” or “Thou shalt not steal,” or a commandment like that. The Lord Jesus surprised him by saying that the greatest command ment was to do something: to love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind” (v. 37). And the second one was like it: “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself” (v. 39). The Lord Jesus seemed to be say ing, “The secret of all happiness is in loving God and loving others. If you will receive Me, your Saviour, into your heart, I w ill help you.” He is whispering to us today, "Do this!” We shall be happy if we obey Him, and receive the loving Lord Jesus as our helper. OBJECT: Use a piece of paper 8% by 11 inches, or larger if visibility re quires. (In the middle of the paper -with the length of the paper running up and down, print the word “LIFE” in letters about 1% inches high. Two and one-quarter inches from the top fold the paper down, bringing the end just above the word “LIFE.” Fold the bottom the same way. Approxi mately 1% inches from each side, fold toward the middle, leaving only the word “IF” showing. One and three- quarters inches from each edge, cut down approximately 2% inches to a point near the top of the “IF.” Cut across and discard this piece. Do the same for the bottom, leaving an “H” with an “ IF” on the crossbar. Unfold, and using the "L ” print the word “Life” straight up, with smaller let ters. Using the “L,” print the word “Lost” straight * down, with smaller letters. Using the “E” in “LIFE,” print straight up the word “Eter nal” in smaller letters. Again using the “E” in “LIFE,” print straight down the word “ Eternally” in s m a l l let ters. Re-fold—top and bottom first— and then the sides. You now have an “E” with, an “IF” on the crossbar. Turn the “H” with the back showing when the lesson begins.) Object Lesson T he “ I f ” in L ife
lives that individual cases will be forgotten. But the Lord does not for get! 4. "Everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels" (v. 41). No where are we told that God prepared hell for men. He has prepared heaven for men (cf. John 3:16; 14:2, 3), But if men choose to follow Satan rather than Christ, they must of necessity go to Satan’s final abode. Golden Text Illustration M atthew 22:37-39 “There, goes a man who is doing his share toward elevating this old world,” said one. "Some great preacher?” asked an other. “No, just an everyday, successful business man, but he has the secret of living on the heights right in the press of business life. One day I complimented him upon his ability to pick out such a fine group of men for his office help. He smiled at me a moment, seemed to hesitate over the thought in his mind, and then spoke. ‘Yes, David,’ he said quietly, ‘I have as fine a lot of helpers as anyone ever saw. But one of them came here straight from a jail term. Another once forged my name. A third could not keep sober for a week when I first took him. Oh, you need not feel alarmed. They are all as straight as strings now. It’s a great game, David—a game I believe God put us here to play for all it is worth.’ Then he went on talking business as if nothing had happened. But some thing fine had happened. He had proved the practicability of serving God in the everyday walks of life.” —Onward. Loving God and One Another M atthew 22:36-39 MEMORY VERSE: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God . . . Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself’ (Matt. 22:37, 39). AIM: To show that with the Lord Jesus in our hearts, we will be happy obeying Him. APPROACH: “Mother,” Mary Ellen whined, “Why must I always be do
by the “ goats.” Unconsciously both classes render service to, or withhold it from, the King, as they treat the Jews during the tribulation period. The “ Son of man” reveals what the nations are; the “King” pronounces judgment upon them. It should be carefully noted that this judgment is of notions, not of individuals. III. T he D estiny B efore T hem (46) This verse necessarily applies to in dividuals among both the “sheep” and the “goat” nations. The certain ty of their destiny is revealed by the word, “shall” ; it is sure. The charac ter is revealed by the words “ punish ment” and “life.” And the continuity is shown by the word “ eternal.” Eter nal life is not obtained by what is done, but what is done reveals its possession. The punishment is in flicted because that life has been re jected. Points and Problems 1. "When the Son of man shall come in his glory" (Matt. 25:31). The time element is very important here. It excludes the erroneous idea that we have in this passage the same judgment as that recorded in Revela tion 20:11-15. The latter, called the great white throne judgment, occurs after the thousand year reign of the King. The judgment before us takes place before the kingdom is estab lished or in connection with its es tablishment (cf. v. 34). Many other differences appear between the two judgments, but this one is conclusive. - 2. "And before him shall be gath ered all nations" (v. 32). Since this week’s lesson is on the subject of judgment it should be noted that the Scripture knows nothing about one general judgment as So many have thought. There are several judgments for as many purposes: the judgment of the believers' sins at Calvary (John 12:31); the judgment of the believers' works following the rapture (1 Cor. 3:11-15); the judgment of the wicked dead after the millennium (Rev. 20:11- 15). The judgment before us in this lèsson is the judgment of the nations. This has to do with their position in the King’s millennial kingdom. In grace the King allowed Himself to be stretched upon a cross. But in judg ment He will separate the sheep from the goats as He prepares to rule the world. 3. "Lord, when saw we thee «hun gered, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?" (v. 37). There is a practical suggestion in this ques tion which has application to God’s people in any dispensation. »They should be so in the habit of manifest ing love and kindness that they will do it unconsciously. These acts should be so characteristic of their
ing something you tell me to?” Mother laughed, “Aren’t you hap pier, dear, when y o u a r e d o - ing the things that are necessary and pleasant than you are when I must say ‘don’t’ about
5-DIVISIOn something?”
“Oh yes! I don’t like ’don't' at all.” She thought a minute. Then, “Moth er, do you mean that if I keep on do
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