King's Business - 1945-02


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T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

AIM: To show that even a little child can love Christ as Saviour. APPROACH: Today we shall play a game. We shall imagine that today

want to say, “Dear Saviour, we love Thee!” We know He is pleased with our love. That is what He wants most, even today.

A Christian preparatory school offering accredited four-year training for College entrance Strong courses. Orthodox Christian teachers. Wholesome social, athletic, and extra-curricular activities.

is not S u n d a y , March 25, but it Is one e s p e c i a l l y happy day that is described for us in God’s Word. Here we are, then, in a long-ago time in the land of Pales­ tine. LESSON STORY:

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We are playing by the roadside near our home. We hear voices, many voices, and they are all filled with joy. Quickly we drop our playthings and run to see what is happening. Look! A great crowd of people is com­ ing. They are all looking at one Man who is riding on a donkey, and they are shouting and clapping their hands in delight. We children join the group as it moves along. We see some of the people take, off their coats and spread them in the p a t h , so that there will be a soft clean place for the donkey to walk. We see other peo­ ple cut down, b r a n c h e s of trees —beautiful green, fragrant branches —to lay along the path. We children hurry to help them. Everyone is glad; many are saying, "Hosanna to the Son of D a v i d : Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest” (v. 9). We know that those words mean something like this: “Praise! Praise to the Lord Jesus! He is God’s Son, the Saviour.” Jesus has reached the city now, and He is going into God’s house. We go in with Him. We see Him do wonderful things that show every­ body that He is the Son of God. We children are so hajipy that we keep right on Saying, "Hosanna to the Son of David” (v. 15), even though some of the older people are displeased, with us because they do not love the Saviour. We hear the Lord Jesus speak to the older people (v. 16). And we want to say something to Him. We

Object Lesson H e l p in g in H o s a n n a

GOSPEL SOUND FI LMS (16mm motion pictures with sound) Scriptures Visualized films are helping pastors and evangelists attain a more effective ministry They can do the same for you. What the Films Are Doing— startlnK genuine .revivals-; leading children, young people and adults to the Lord Jesus Christ; increasing interest and attendance in church and Sunday ..-school. Free Preview Service— u you have not seen a scripture Visualised film but have access to a lbmm sound projector, you may easily see one. Write us about our convenient preview service. Projection Equipment— We can help you get the sound projector and screen most suitable tor your needs, at reasonable prices. Write us for particulars. C. O. BAPTISTA FILMS 325 W. Huron St. Chicago 10, III. FLANOBLOT FIGURES Adhere to your Flannel Board without' flannel backing. New . . . unique. Beautifully printed In full colors, to stress Gospel Message of Uniform Lessons. Two scenes for •each lesson . . . . nearly 100 cut-outs: scenes, groups and- figures. Send for free circular today; or returnable 'sample set, 13 lessons, 26 scenes, only $2. GOSPEL FOLIO PRpSS Dept. K, Grand Rapids 3, Mich. BARGAIN IN MUSIC "SONGS OF GRACE NO. I" •4 Solos, Duets, Trios, Quartettes, Choruses, and other Specials "SONGS OF GRACE NO. 2" 75 Solos, Duets, Choruses, and. other Specials, 30c each, 2 for 60c, 4 for $1.00 GORDON E. HOOKER S58 So. Hope St. Los Angeles 13, Calif.

OBJECTS: A piece of paper 8 V 2 x 11 inches. (Fold each end to within Ye, inch of the middle, leaving a gap of Va inch. In this space, print downward the word, “HOSANNA.” Open the folds, and using the letters in the word “HOSANNA,” complete the following words, "BRANCHES, COLT, DISCI­ PLES, GARMENTS, HONOR, COMING, and SAVIOUR.” ) LESSON: The Sunday before Easter is known as Palm Sunday, and we hear much about the day in which Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem, rid­ ing on a colt. At that time, the people cast their palm branches and garments before Him, and cried “HO­ SANNA.” I brought a piece of paper this l morning with “HOSANNA” printed on it, to help us better understand what the day means. If we w ill open the folds, we will find several words, describing what happened that day. At the top is the word “BRANCHES,” reminding us of the palm -branches which were placed in Christ’s path to do Him honor. On the second line, we find the word "COLT,” lest we forget the little animal which lifted Christ, making it easier for all to see Him. Next we see the word, “DISCIPLES.” They were present to give honor to Christ on this important day. The fourth word is "GARMENTS.” Recognizing His g r e a t n e s s , His followers placed their beautiful gar­ ments in His path. They gave Him. that which cost them something. The last three words are, “HONOR, COMING, SAVIOUR.” The followers of Christ gave Him their best, and sang His praises that day, in order that they might worship and honor Him as He rode into Jerusalem. Perhaps you are among the saved boys and girls who are today wonder­ ing what they can do for Christ. We were not there on the first Palm Sun­ day to take part in that great cele­ bration, but we still have the op­ portunity of singing His praises and giving Him our best. Like the little colt, we can lift Him up so that others may see Him better. Every day can be a Palm Sunday if we live for Christ.

Prayer Changes Things

The All-Russian Evangelical Christian Union

^ as10noUnde2 by. the. late Rev. I. S. Prokhanoff and his associates in Russia in 1909, and in North America in 1925. The headquarters of the A.R.E.C.U. of North ;V” e ,was on^inally located, at 156 6th Avenue, New York City. Prom the’ time of Mr. Prokhanoff s death until October 1944, the Union has been faithfully directed by Rev. Norman Smith and his Committee in New York City. CHANGE OF HEADQUARTERS On November 1, 1944, the headquarters of the Union moved to 64 W. Randolph-Street, Chicago, 1, 111. Rev. John K. Huk is the Director, Rev. Peter Deyneka the Executive Secretary, and the Executive Committee of the Russian Gospel Association is serving as tmeric eCUt Ve Commlttee of the All-Russian Evangelical Christian Union of North Money received for this wqrk will go direct to the Soviet Union. Please make your checks payable to the ALL-RUSSIAN EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN UNION, 64 W. Ran­ dolph Street, Chicago 1, 111. Dept. K.B. ( W rite fo r free literature and inform ation about this w ork.)

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