King's Business - 1945-02

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

an impossibility, and Into an exalted and holy frame of mind enabling him to renew his interrupted converse with God. The singing of hymns is a less formal act of worship than prayer, yet many Christians are able to pass from light and earthly thoughts to holy adoration. The songs they sing are vehicles which carry them from this world into another realm of thought. Therefore public worship is a means of strengthening and renewing a Christian life and should not be neglected.

Paul exhorts us to “ rejoice In the Lord always” (Phil. 4:4). No one ex­ cept a true follower of Christ has reason to rejoice always. But in Him, who is the fountainhead of all life, we find abounding joy which reigns within our hearts always. Think of the great Christians you have known and read about, and you will find that they first had Christ in their own hearts and then,led their brothers and friends to Christ, even as Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother did. II. LEADING OTHERS ALONG. The Lord Jesus Christ said in Mark 1:17, “Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.” It is a natural accompaniment of this new life to have the desire to lead others to know the same joy that you have. If this is not true in your life, there is something wrong. If we truly believe Mark 1:17 with all our hearts, the Lord will give us opportunities to witness to others and to show them the way. As soon as Andrew had found the Messiah, he went immediately- and found his own! brother, Simon Peter. Think of Peter’s great ministry in in­ fluencing others for Christ and bring­ ing them into the church. What if Andrew had refused to be concerned about his brother’s soul? Have you a brother or a sister who does not know the Lord? What a joy it would be for you to bring that one to the Saviour! III. METHODS TO USE. (The following material may be used as a discussion by members of the C. E. society.) In preparing this part of the topic, look up the lives of such men as David Livingstone, John G. Paton, Adoniram Judson, Wilfred Grenfell, and find what methods they used to bring men to Christ. Many times before missionaries could speak the language of the natives, they re­ vealed the gospel by the love of Christ in the'ir lives. The natives saw by their living that Christ had saving power. Then through the written and spoken Word, they came to a more perfect knowledge of the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Could anyone be brought to love Christ through your life and actions? If we do not follow the commands of our Lord, and if we are not willing to do what He tells us to do, why should we expect others to follow Him at our invita­ tion? The church offers many opportuni­ ties also for instruction and growth in the Word, whereby we may be better fitted to lead others to Christ. By .our daily Bible reading, prayer, testimony, and witness we may help others to find the Lord Jesus Christ, “whom to know aright is life eternal.” (Think of other ways whereby you can influence your friends for Christ. Add them to the list and have the group discuss them.)

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MARCH 18,, 1945 JOY IN TAK ING OTHERS A LO NG J o h n 1:35-42 By Lois M. Foster

When we have found something wonderful and good, it is always our desire to share that thing with our friends. This is especially true in the Christian life. Christ has said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6). When we h a v e found Him, there is no greater hap­ piness than to bring another with us to “the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” For Those Who Have Topics I. FINDING NEW LIFE IN CHRIST. We cannot hope to lead others into deep experiences with God if we have never had them ourselves. We must have experienced the new birth by ac­ cepting Christ as our personal Saviour, and realize what it is to know the Lord Jesus Christ as “ the way” and the One who gives us that abundant life. Otherwise, we shall have no reason for taking others along with us.

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