King's Business - 1945-02


February, 1945

Colored Flannelgraph Stories $1.50 Series

MARCH 25, 1945 HIS CROSS A N D M INE M a t t h e w 16:24-28 By Don W. Hillis

Bible Verses Visualized and How to Teach Them Volume I. A book of 13 Bible verses and 13 teaching methods. Volume II. A new enlarged volume. Bible Songs Visualized This popular book of visualized songs now lin color. Creation and Old Testament Stories

There is a very definite relationship between His cross and my cross; and yet to remain clear in our thinking, w e. must approach these two crosses separately. Let us look first at His cross. How wide is His cross? The arms of His cross reach around the world, en­ folding every race, tongue, and tribe. ‘‘For God so loved the world!” How high is His cfoss? It stretches into heaven and brings the Son of God down to this sinful earth. “He gave his only begotten Son.” How deep is His cross?. It reaches to the lowest depths of sin’s condem­ nation that man might not perish. “That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlast­ ing life!” (Note: Before we approach the subject of our cross, let us pause and thank Him for His cross.) For Those Who Have Topics I. A RELATIONSHIP. To whom does Jesus speak about taking up His cross? The verse in M a t t h e w 16:24 tells us that He is speaking to a particular group of men —men He had called unto Himself and had chosen for service, men who had experienced the value of working with Christ, men who by watching Jesus had seen the difference between a life of sacrifice and a life of self-cen­ teredness. They were men who were living in a close and vital relation­ ship with Him. It is to this group of men that He reveals this deep secret of life. Is my rebellion to the message of taking up my cross a revelation of my distance from God? II. AN,INVITATION. Does Jesus command me to take up my cross? No, He says, “ If any man will come after me, let him . . . take up his cross.” The most precious ex­ periences of spiritual life are entered into in response to invitation. (Note: How many invitation verses can your group think' of?) By the simple act of invitation, Jesus gives to us the key to the deeper life; namely, “let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” Do you suppose that those who talk glibly about "Jesus, our example” or about “following Jesus” have ever thought of what it would mean to follow Him to the cross? How do we take up our cross? Jesus answers that question for us very plainly in verses 25, 26 of the Scrip­ ture passage we are considering. But Remember this, Jesus took up His cross by letting His cross take Him up. Herein lies the d e e p e s t truth of

Volume I. Creation through Jacob. 10 lessons* Volume II. Joseph through Elijah. 10 lessons. 50c Secies The Christian Soldier Sampson’s Riddle Tale of Two Cities Convoys. The Two Ways The Birth of Jesus The Second Coming of Christ Humpty Dumpty Phoning Heaven Two Remedies The Lily's Secret '

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following Jesus. It is to enter into that place in which we can say, “I am crucified with Christ.” III. INFORMATION. We all have an inborn desire to be successful. Our Lord Jesus Christ hasn’t given us a book on "How to be Successful” in ten easy lessons; but in one simple and yet profound sentence, He has given to us all of the information we need in relation to that life which is most worthwhile. “And whosoever shall lose his life for my sake shall find it.” For the Leader For illustrative material on the lives of men and women who have denied themselves, have taken up their crosses, and followed Him, read Hebrews 11. Use Moses as a k e y illustration (Heb. 11:24-26).

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