King's Business - 1945-02

February, 1945


CASTLE FOR THE KING [ Continued, from Page 54]

burst of song as a party of young people left for a distant port. The Earl could see the shining of the plane’s lights in the sky, and his heart went out to those who were go­ ing and to those who stayed behind, singing and cheering until the lights disappeared in the darkness of the night. How rich his life had been! Suppose he had chosen his own plans! A strange horror crept over him . %. SUPPOSE! “Are you satisfied?” He had heard no footstep, but felt the présence of someone near him m the twilight. He thought he recognized the voice he knew and loved. How wonderful the

companionship had been through the years with the one who had come as his guest and had stayed as his lead­ er! Although the King himself had not yet made the long awaited visit, through his Captain he had sent many messages and indications of

room facing the western sky and see again the outline of the cross upon the distant hill, and then in fancy he would stretch himself upon it. It rested him. Then the building program began; the field that he had planted with corn, for which the soil was not well suited, was leveled and hardened into a great landing field for the ships of the sky; the valley where he had planned an artificial, lake was dammed up, ,as he had wished, but far below the surface, a mineral spring of which he knew nothing, was tapped and its waters poured out in a beautiful fountain. The woods which he had planned for pleasure only were cleared of their underbrush and in a setting of great beauty and charm, whole colo­ nies of little cottages were built. Upon the low hills that he had set aside as pastureland, noble buildings reared their white walls, and t h e castle itself was enlarged with state­ ly wings of beautiful and spaeious rooms for the King’s most honored guests. As the days had passed and the building went forward he had begun to understand the King’s real purpose. C r o m w e l l Castle was the last stopping place for those who traveled overseas on the King’s business. There they came for last instructions and the complete outfitting they needed for their journeys, taking with them happy memories of the days spent there to comfort them in the long sepa- r a t i o n from home. Those landing from foreign shores by ship or plane stopped there in the quiet cottages or stately castle for refreshment a n d rest before going ‘further. The chil­ dren of those in dangerous service abroad found a happy home and a wonderful training in the white- pillared buildings on the low hills. They had been like his own children —all of them. He smiled as he looked over the scene before him, but is seemed the tears would come. On the g r e a t lawn, beautifully lighted as soon as twilight fell, groups of wise and noble men and lovely women were gath­ ered, all on the .King’s business, all his friends. How glad he was to serve them, and by that service honor the King who had sent them. In the sum­ merhouse five world-renowned gen­ erals were planning campaigns that would further extend the King’s rule in foreign lands. Often he was taken into the confidence of these men and in his quiet way he touched the puls­ ing heart of the great kingdom, con­ stantly growing.- F r o m the landing field came a


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