King's Business - 1945-02

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Tears came to the Earl’s eyes. “Your Majesty,’’ he said brokenly, “ are You satisfied?” jk With a gesture that seemed to in­ clude Cromwell Castle, its lands, and its life, the King said, “It is just as I planned it. Your joyous and faithful cooperation through the years has been the crowning joy of it all. I am satis­ fied!" The Earl knew that in his own heart he was living the most blissful moment which in all of Time can come to a soul. And looking down the shining pathway of the future he quoted joyfully: “ ‘What a glorious day is dawning, He and I quite satisfied.’ ”

his will and interest in the life of Cromwell Castle. “Satisfied?” echoed the Earl,’ and his voice choked as he thought how much more than satisfied he was to­ night. He half turned, expecting to see his friend standing beside him in the shadows—but who was this? There was no glint of gold or spar­ kle of gems to tell him; but heart speaks to heart, and he knew that the moment for which he had longed these many years had come. He dropped to his knees with the glad cry, “Your Majesty . . . my King!" Drawing him to his feet beside him, the King repeated his question, "Are you satisfied?"

February is the month for valen- tines, and valentines are generally heart-shaped. You will leam from the following Scripture verses that God’s Word has much to say about the heart. Fill in each blank by drawing the picture suggested by the correct word. From the Scriptures given below, match the correct references with the verses. The answers will be published on this page next month. 1. “Thy word have I hid in mine—, that I might not sin against thee.” 2. “Man looketh on the outward ap­ pearance, but the Lord looketh on the—.” 3. “Blessed are the pure in— : for they shall see God.” 4. “ For as he thinketh in his—, so is he.” 5. “Search me, O God, and know my—.” 6. “The—is deceitful a b o v e all things.” 7. “Let not your—be troubled.” 8. “But Daniel purposed in his— that he would not defile himself.” 9. “For with the—man believeth unto righteousness.” 10. “Singing and making melody in your—to the Lord?’ 11. “ For out of the—proceed evil thoughts.” 12. “ I w ill praise the Lord with my whole—.” • Psalm 111:1 Ephesians 5:19 Memory Verses “This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. You are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you” (John 15: 12, 14). New K.Y.B.C. Members DE QUEEN, ARK.: Barbara Lee Branch: Martha and Mary Jane Coats; Juanita and Shirley Loraine Green; Charles Lee and Patsy Gene Mason; Cleo Mitchell; Dorris and Louise Perry (Edward Branch, director). FORT WORTH, TEX.: Marilyn GrlHlth: Jo Ann K m (Mrs. O. B. Neel, leader). Psalm 119:11 Romans 10:10 1 Samuel 16:7 Matthew 5:8 Jeremiah 17:9 Psalm 139:23 Daniel 1:8 John 14:1 Proverbs 23:7 Matthew 15:19

CLASS BANNERS No Sunday School is complete without a set of class banners. We have a complete line for each de­ partment of the Sunday School and for many special purposes. Write for free current catalog. House o f a Thousand Things for Church and Sunday School WM. H. DIETZ, Inc. 10 So. Wabash Ave., Dept. 103 Chicago 3, 111.

The Future of Christianity in Europe The war in Europe rages toward its ultimate climax. What is done in the next few years may decide the future of Christianity in Europe. Pastors of churches must be re-established in their places of labor. Church buildings destroyed must be rebuilt; orphanages reopened, refurnished and manned.^ Above all, and immediately we must hold out helping hands to those who have, suffered most in the debacle. To do our share in this undertaking, we must be prepared to spend money in sums beyond anything, we have yet provided. We must send out representatives backed not only with advice and prayers, but also with goods and service, bought and paid for out of the war riches that have come to many of our church members, we., simply must meet this challenge. Send a thank offering for your peace and pros­ perity in this favored land to the Russian Missionary Society, Inc. Col. F. J.' Miles, International Secretary 1844 W. Monroe St., Room 2 Chicago 12, III. Ask for magazine " The Friend of Russians” THE UNEVANGELIZED AFRICA MISSION . An undenominational faith mission working in the heart of Africa. Doctrinal basis same as Moody Bible Institute. Financial arrangement same as China Inland Mission. Taking the Gospel to 1,000,000 now. Planning to go to 3,000,000 more who have never even heard of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Address; The General Secretary 1545 North Los Robles Pasadena 0^ Calif. Please send me your personal, prayer letter. I will pray for this ministry as the Spirit of God lays it on my heart. * % Name................................................................................................ Street ....................................... .. Town and Zone............................................................... . State......................................................

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