King's Business - 1945-02

February, 1945


L i tera ture Table The Chemistry of the Blood By M. R. DeHaan, M.D.

that Captain Naaman finds God and is made well because a little girl was faithful. 16 pages. Thanksgiving Story. By I. L. Schlaet- zer. Ten pages of cutouts present the Pilgrim Thanksgiving and the “first Thanksgiving with G r a n d f a t h e r Nathan in Palestine.” Two Remedies. By Helen S. Leonard. Especially for older pupils, this is a vivid salvation message centering in Moses’ lifting up of the serpent in the wilderness. 10 pages. The Little Jetts New Testament By Wade C, Smith This is Volume II of The Little Jetts Bible, dealing with New Testament narratiyes and teachings, as the first volume h a d d e a l t with the Old Testament. On each page, one column is given to a series of drawings—the simple but expressive “Little Jetts’* which have illustrated Sunday school lessons in The Sunday School Times for over twenty-five years—while in the adjacent column are portions of Scripture which the drawings illus­ trate. The book is not intended to take the place of the whole Bible, but rather to intensify interest in the com­ plete Word of God. 323 pages. W. A. Wilde Co., Boston, Mass. Cloth. Price $1.50.

five minutes to present. 48 pages. Theodore Presser Co., 1712 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Paper. Price 60 cents. When You Minister to the Sick By Clarence F. Stauffer Here, in concise and readable form, are suggestions for effective visitation of the sick. The booklet should be in the hands of all who feel themselves called to work of this kind. The author is Baptist Chaplain at the Los Angeles County General Hospital, where his ministry has been richly used of the Lord. 16 pages. Biola Book Room, 560 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 13. Paper. Price 20 cents. Stories for Children Three booklets, 9 x 12 inches, pro­ viding stories and flannelgraph cut­ outs, are available through William H. Dietz, 10 So. Wabash, Chicago 3, 111. Paper. Price 50 cents each. She Spoke for God. By Eleanor L. Doan. Here is a missionary story with evangelistic appeal. The pictures show

Widely known as a physician, a scientist, and a radio speaker, Dr, DeHaan here discusses such vital sub­ jects as the Chemistry of the Blood, the Chemistry of Conscience, the Chem­ istry of Calvary, the Chemistry of Prayer, etc. His technical background enables him skillfully to correlate Scripture and science, and in so doing to exalt the Saviour, the Lord Jésus Christ. 183 pages. Zondervan Pub. Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.50. • _ _ _ _ _ In this Easter cantata there are twelve numbers: duets, solos, and chorus numbers. The trio for women’s voices, “Who Shall Roll Away the Stone?” should prove a delight to any listener. Both the vocal and the ac­ companiment scores are simple enough to be done well by the choir of average size and training. This is an inspiring resurrection message requiring forty- The Triumph of the Crucified Words by Elsie Duncan Yale Music by Lawrence Keating

“?orChristandMs Kingdom”

e Wheaton has 1272 names on its Service Roll. Of this num­ ber, 107 are serving as chap­ lains.

• More than 500 Wheaton men and women are at work on the mission held—from China to Chile.

e Many Wheaton graduates go into business. As Christian lay­ men, they find opportunity to witness by word and by life.

e As teachers, many graduates are serving the Lord in secular and Christian schools and col­ leges, in Bible schools, in semi­ naries.

e Many of Wheaton's women graduates become housewives. They are called on to 'establish a Christian home and to be faith­ ful witnesses. COLLEGE

• Wheaton men have gone into the professions as doctors, law­ yers and scientists. They have been an honor to their school and to the Lord. WHEATON

• More than 600 Wheaton men now preach God's Word in churches large and small in all parts of the land.

• But what of the future? Facil­ ities must be provided immedi­ ately for the hundreds for whom there is no room.

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