King's Business - 1945-02

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T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

God Uses

My Legs!


S OME thirteen years ago an ado­ lescent lad named Gilbert Lo- thair Dodds was faced with a lem with which you go to bed at night and awaken with the solution the next morning. Nor was it the type of question which could be solved with a pencil in one hand and a sizable pad of scratch paper in the other, with plenty of time for “ figuring.” No, it was something different, and yet, not so different! It comes to most people at some time in life, and Gil Dodds, being human, was meeting it at a time when a decision either way would shape his entire life. Day of Decision Gil was sitting in a youth evange­ lism class in Falls City, Nebraska, with bundles of unharnessed boyhood

problem. It was not the kind of prob­

Gil DexMj trains at though everythin depends on himself, and prays as / though everything depends on God.

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