HEALTH &WELLNESS The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body
Too many people consider back pain a normal experience of their lives and don’t immediatelyseeksupport thatcouldmake thepainan issueof thepast.Working withaphysical therapist is,handsdown, thebest thing thatyoucandowhenyou are looking toovercomebackpain.Aphysical therapistcan identify thecauseof thebackpainandpresentyouwithhelpfulstrategiesthatcanstrengthenyourback andreducetheseverityofyourpain.Physicaltherapyforbackpainoften includes acombinationoftargetedmassage,flexibilityandrangeofmotiontraining,muscle building,andtargetedstretchingtechniques.Usingthesestrategies incombination with anti-inflammatory medication, as recommended by your physician, is often consideredthemost-efficientapproachtohandlingbackpainand isrecommended by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons.
Does lifeeverfeel likeone largepain intheback?Backpain isdifficulttodealwith onadailybasis,yetforsomanypeople,this isatotalreality.Bycertainestimates, as many as 85 percent of adults in the United States struggle with back pain at some point in their lives. The most common type of back pain experienced is in the lower back, and it can happen for any variety of reasons. Being in a car accident can cause you to experience lingering back pain for years after the accident.Accidentsatworkcan leadtosimilarconsequences.Butsometimesthe cause of your back pain isn’t as straightforward. Back pain can also develop for anynumberofcommon reasons— things thatyoudoeverydaywithout thinking twice. An old desk chair that doesn’t provide much lumbar support can take its tollovertime,ascanwearingshoesthatdon’thavemuchsupport,orevengaining weight, particularly around the stomach area.
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