Leadership in Action - CA English - 201907


Jennifer Becker CALIFORNIA It’s All About the People You Love the Most

out on so many precious moments with her young kids. That’s why she’s working hard to reach Senior Director. Knowing the freedom that this will provide her family is what’s fueling me!” Jennifer and her team set the goal every month to enroll six to eight Preferred Members each. They’ve found that doing this leads to developing a new personal Director each month—which is creating incredible growth. In fact, Jennifer’s organization saw more advancements in May than at any other time in its history. Jennifer and Dana spent almost two hours making advancement calls. “It was the most fun I’ve ever had in my business,” Jennifer says. In the end, it’s all about the people you love the most. The same day she interviewed for this story, Jennifer learned that her grandmother, with whom she was very close, had passed away. Jennifer’s grandmother (pictured here) loved Melaleuca products and had even referred a few customers to Jennifer. Jennifer’s team knew her as “Granny Pearl,” and she was mentioned in every Melaleuca Overview Jennifer gave. Jennifer would say, “Even my grandmother in her 8Os shops with Melaleuca each month!” Jennifer was profoundly grateful not only for the freedom she had to drop everything else and gather with her family for the funeral services but that she’d had the time and means to visit her Granny Pearl often over the last years of her life. “I feel really blessed,” she says. “This has put everything I’ve worked for during the last five years into perspective.” JC

Back when Jennifer Becker worked in the corporate world, her days were consumed with office time that stretched into the evening hours. While the pay was good, Jennifer felt like her life was out of balance. “I was planning my family around my work,” she says. “But now, with Melaleuca, I can plan my work around my family. With my kids out of school for the summer, I can spend lots of time with them. I let them know, ‘Mom’s going to work for a few hours in the morning, and the rest of the day is ours to do something fun!’” In fact, Jennifer’s daughters are only seven and ten years old, but they know a lot about Mom’s business and have gotten to know many of her team members well—including Jennifer’s business partner, Senior Director 9 Dana Wikoff, whom they call “Miss Dana.” No wonder Jennifer focuses so much of her efforts on helping moms with young children at home! She knows the life-changing potential of the residual income and the products available to them. “For example,” she says, “a new Director 3 on my team, Lauren Storey, is a middle school teacher, and she’s missing

“We have a whiteboard in my office,” Jennifer


says, “and my girls know exactly who’s working for an

advancement and what my personal goals are. They’ll come in and ask, ‘How close is Miss Dana to advancing?’”


Results vary. For typical results, please consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58.

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