RPI Insider | Q4 2019

ReThink West Michigan 2019

The ReThinkWest Michigan event received an Excellence in Economic Development 2019 Gold Award from the International Economic Development Council (IEDC). The award recognized ReThink West Michigan as one of the top economic development special events in the world for the positive impact it’s had on host communities since its inception. In the past seven years, more than 1,000 people have attended ReThink West Michigan, resulting in over 70 hires in the region. Since its launch, ReThink West Michigan, has inspired other regions to host similar events to tap into the talent their former residents have to offer. In 2018, Hello West Michigan worked with other talent organizations around Michigan to create Back2Michigan.com, a centralized site highlighting Thanksgiving Eve career networking events around the state. Ann Arbor, Great Lakes Bay, Houghton, Kalamazoo, LansingandTraverseCityevents are all featured on the Back2Michigan site, each inspired by the ReThink West Michigan model. This widely attended event is made possible by a grant from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) and The West Michigan Economic Development Collaborative. If your company is interested in participating, visit rethinkwm.com to inquire about booth availability. If you have friends or family visiting for Thanksgiving that might be interested in relocating to West Michigan, they can attend this free event by registering at rethinkwm.com/register .

Hello West Michigan and The Right Place will co-host the 8th annual ReThink West Michigan on Thanksgiving Eve at six regional locations. On November 27, 2019, ReThink West Michigan will return to Barry, Kent, Mason, Muskegon and Newaygo Counties, and have its inaugural year in Oceana County. ReThink West Michigan is a casual networking event designed to attract former Michiganders who still have ties to the region and make the trip back to the area for the Thanksgiving holiday. Rethink West Michigan provides a relaxed environment for candidates to learn about local employers and what the region has to offer, while allowing employers to meet job seekers they don’t typically have access to.

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