People want to support other people more than they care to support an almighty brand and this became even more important as the Shop Local movement took off around the world amid the pandemic. Buyers actually want to know your story and when you become relatable to them, they will form a loyalty that goes beyond your business’s brand recognition. Your personal brand, who you are, a human being, is a selling point in and of itself but so many business owners and even their employ- ees don’t often realize this. If you’re forgetting to promote yourself in this big wide world, you’re not only doing a disservice to yourself but also to your company, whether you own it or work in it.
WHY BUILDING YOUR PERSONAL BRAND MATTERS TAKING BRANDING PERSONALLY A s business owners, it’s easy to get by Shannon Ferguson
consumed with building the company’s brand. It’s easy to camouflage yourself within the company, diverting eyes away from you and showcasing your business instead but it’s important to remember that you are part of that brand. Your personal brand should be in a constant warm embrace with your businesses brand and together they should ride off into the sunset with multiple sales and customers follow- ing behind. Have you ever caught yourself thinking “Oh, no one cares about little old me” or maybe “I don’t want to seem like a narcissist?” What about “This is about the business and our collaborative efforts so I shouldn’t be standing out”? Yeah, it’s time to change your mindset because your business growth can tremendously skyrocket the minute you realize that your personal brand is just as important.
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