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Lucy Duggan

DIY forest-therapy from Lucy Duggan, ANFT certified guide. The phytoncides released by trees promote human immunity are anti- inflammatory and promote positive mood.

Safety: Check for ticks afterwards and remove immediately.

1. Find a spot in nature to sit and listen to the audio. 2. Then reflect on the question ‘what do you notice?’ 3. Set a timer for 10/15minutes and move slowly in any direction for 10 -15 minutes and notice what’s in motion? 4. Reflect on the question ‘what did you notice?’ 5. Set your timer for ten minutes. Go and spend ten minutes with a tree. See what happens. 6. Have a drink, and a snack. Reflect on the question ‘what did you notice?’

Please contact me if you want the audio file to download: LucyDuggan@wearelightbox.co.uk

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