Yarka Krajickova
My current offers - available to everyone
1. Rapid Response Accounts Heath Check £49 2. Cashflow £49 3. Free – covid-19 and what is available phone call
I appreciate the times are tough at this time so I’ve reduced the price from £99 to £49 during this unprecedented time due to Covid-19.
Rapid Response Accounts Health Check Zoom, screen share and you’ll tell me about your business and your processes. I’ll cover streamlining, categorising income, expenses and COS… Cashflow Zoom, screen share, you’ll tell me about yourself and your business, income and outgoings and I’ll show you what a cashflow report can do for you.
Book via this link: https://calendly.com/yarka/99-1h-call
Contact: yarka@redmonkeyaccounting.co.uk
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