The Historian 2015

successful prosecution, this incident contributed to a year of political turmoil that

would prove to be a major theme in his literary work.

After being expelled from the

senate by Marcus Appius Pulcher,

the ‘censor’ in charge of public

morality, for alleged immorality

in 50BC, Sallust sought help from

Gaius Julius Caesar who

reinstated him the following year.

As a result of this he was

appointed as a commander of a

legion in the Roman Civil War

between Caesar and Pompey

between 49-45BC, where he

made a largely unsuccessful impact in quelling mutinous troops in 47BC and

fighting in Caesar’s African campaign. Despite a lack of obvious success Sallust

was appointed as the first governor of the new territory of Africa Nova (modern

day Algeria), a role he would keep until late 45BC.

Disaster awaited him upon his return to Rome as claims were made that he had

personally profited from his time as governor of Africa Novo through extortion

and it required the personal intervention of Caesar to prevent any form of legal

action against him. This new wealth was the source of funding for the lavish ‘horti

Sallustiani’ (Sallustian gardens) in northwestern Rome that would eventually

become imperial property. Sallust retired shortly after his return to the capital; he

later claimed that this was a personal choice but it has also been suggested that

he was forced into this position by losing the support of Caesar or possibly due

to the latter’s assassination in 44BC.


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