時光假期 Art Times #1 Beauty of the Beast (2022.02)

#1 2022.02

Art Times


《時光假期》是一本「古代生活雜誌」。它將用貼近 日常生活的視角,帶大家走進歷史和藝術,來一場「時空 旅行假期」。 本期目的地是文物館動物園的猛獸區。從戰國到現 代,寄身青銅、陶瓷、紙絹的老虎氣質各異:或威猛、或可 愛、或神秘、或抽象. . . . . .你覺得哪隻虎最有明星相?看完 介紹後,來文物館Facebook專頁(@ArtMuseumCUHK)應 援你最喜愛的候選虎吧! Art Times is a lifestyle magazine. Instead of telling you the latest fashion trends, we are taking you on a time-travel journey to revisit and reimagine bygone lifestyles from a modern perspective. This issue’s destination is the Ferocious Beast Area of the Art Museum. Representations of tigers on metalware, ceramics, paper and silk from the Warring States Period to modern times are here to demonstrate their different talents. After learning about the contestants, which do you like the most? Go to the Art Museum’s Facebook page (@ ArtMuseumCUHK) and vote for your favorite tiger!

編者 的話

Message from the Editors

中大文物館 Art Museum CUHK Facebook

* 本雜誌之設計及網上出版由羅桂祥基金贊助 The magazine’s design and online publication are sponsored by the Lo Kwee Seong Foundation


來自:天馬、朱雀、挽虎、樹鶴紋空心磚 (1993.0104) 作者:不詳 時代:西漢 Origin: Hollow Brick with Auspicious Symbols (1993.0104) Creator: Anonymous Time: Western Han dynasty


候選 虎說

The tiger says


專家說 虎在漢代文獻中往往與祛邪相關。如《論衡》引《山海經》就曾記載虎食惡鬼以守 鬼門的故事;《風俗通義》則記「虎者,陽物,百獸之長也。能執摶挫銳,噬食鬼魅…畫 虎於門,鬼不敢入。」漢墓磚中常見繪虎,或表達了類似的喻意。此類墓磚在歷史上也 不乏出土,後人亦有將其移作他用者,例如明清文獻中就記載了一種雅致的用法:利 用其空心的結構作琴几架琴,演奏時可以擴音。 Tigers are often considered in relation with its apotropaic nature in the Han Dynasty. Stories of tigers consuming and warding off evil spirits at the gates of the underworld are documented in various books, which perhaps could explain the common presence of the beast on Han burial bricks. Such excavated burial bricks were often repurposed by later generations. For example, it was recorded in Ming and Qing documents that a hollow brick can be used for acoustic amplification when put under a guqin during performance. The expert says


來自:《夜嘯》(1973.0925) 作者:高奇峰(1889-1933) 時代:民國,1916年 Origin: The Roar of the Night (1973.0925) Creator: Gao Qifeng (1889-1933) Time: Republican period, dated 1916

吼~~~讓我一聲虎嘯把往年的霉運震走, 祝各位新一年聲如洪鐘! R~O~A~~~R!! Let me expel the bad luck of last year with my mighty roar!

候選 虎說

The tiger says


專家說 嶺南二高原學師隔山派,多繪鳥蟲 等庭院動物。後受日本現代繪畫流行風 氣影響,改繪虎、鷹、猿猴等大型猛獸,背 景也多襯托以月夜或是雪景,凸顯其凶 猛特性。相較於其兄劍父,奇峰的虎更趨 寫實,可見於是作。 With their early training under the Geshan school of painting, the Gao brothers at first specialized in garden creatures such as birds and insects. They turned to larger beasts such as tigers, hawks, and primates upon influence from Japanese painting of their time, in which the beasts’ ferocity was highlighted against backgrounds of snowy scenes or moonlit nights. Gao Qifeng adopted a more naturalistic approach in the depiction of tigers when compared with his elder brother Gao Jianfu, as evident in the present piece. The expert says


來自:《伏虎》(1999.0219) 作者:張善孖(1882-1940) 時代:民國,約1929年

Origin: The Lurking Tiger (1999.0219) Creator: Zhang Shanzi (1882-1940) Time: Republican period, dated circa 1929

看我圓瞪的眼睛,一觸即發的有力身軀, 簡直完美詮釋甚麽叫「虎視眈眈」! Look at my sharp eyes and powerful lurking body, this is what you call a predator on the hunt!

候選 虎說

The tiger says 8

專家說 作品中一虎立於崖邊,擬作撲躍狀。 此構圖與張善孖在1 9 2 9年教育部第一 次全國美術展覽出品者有近似處。唯取 景較窄,更突出一觸即發的緊張氛圍。善 孖以畫虎名世,30年代還曾一度在蘇州 網師園蓄養幼虎。他早年負笈日本,而東 瀛畫虎風氣盛行,或受影響。 The composition of a lurking tiger on a cliff can also be found in a piece Zhang exhibited in the first National Arts Exhibition in 1929. With a more close-up depiction, the present work amplifies the tension of the imminent attack. Zhang Shanzi is a well- known tiger painter. In the 1930s, he once kept a tiger cub as a pet when dwelling in a classical garden in Suzhou. His early years studying in Japan, where tiger painting was prevalent, might also be a source of influence on the painter. The expert says


來自:《和尚戲虎》(1973.0302) 作者:居廉(1828-1904) 時代:清代,約1874年 Origin: Tiger-teasing Monk (1973.0302) Creator: Ju Lian (1828-1904) Time: Qing Dynasty, dated circa 1874

我不是貓!我是威風凜凜的虎!只因這和尚太厲害才顯 得我像貓!可惡!看我撲上去咬他! I AM NOT A CAT!!! It is only because this monk possesses magical power that allows him to tease me– a strong and magnificent tiger– as if he is playing with a cat! Roarrrrrrr! I will leap on him and tear him apart!

候選 虎說

The tiger says


專家說 居廉在同治末光緒初創作了不少此類帶諷刺意味的人物扇面,是作即是一例。 它們以僧侶不循規蹈矩的言行,反諷道貌岸然的騙徒。和尚衣冠不整,戲虎似是戲 貓,頗有市井生活氣息,正是所謂「散僧入聖」。 From late Tongzhi reign to early Guangxu reign of the Qing dynasty, Ju Lian created a number of satirical figure paintings on fans, which can be exemplified by the present piece. By portraying wayward monks, works of such style ridicule hypocrites in the society. The unkemptly clad monk teasing a tiger as if it is a cat demonstrates that eccentricity and divinity are two sides of the same coin. The expert says


來自:《病虎》(1973.0828) 作者:高劍父(1879-1951) 時代:民國,1935年 Origin: The Sickly Tiger (1973.0828) Creator: Gao Jianfu (1879-1951) Time: Republican period, dated 1935

風霜不免使我驚惶, 但還是要昂首挺胸面對未來啊。 If life punches you, you will have to take it on the chin.

候選 虎說

The tiger says


20、30年代高劍父經歷了人生的沉 浮,他政治上主要的支持者陳炯明(1878- 1933)失勢,胞弟高奇峰病故,出訪南亞 時又顛厥傷足,並患上眼疾,後在汪精衛 (1883-1944)、陳樹人(1884-1948)等的 幫助下重新出山,於1935年北上南京擔任 中央大學教授。成畫之時他已年近六旬,此 作相對早期同一構圖畫作加有題詩,左側 添入一虎尾,眼神亦有改動,更顯痛苦。「病 虎」的形象或許便表現了其老驥伏櫪的 壯心。 In the 1920s to 30s, Gao Jianfu went through hardships of losing political support, the death of his brother Gao Qifeng, and maladies in the foot and eye from his trip to South Asia. With the help of Wang Jingwei (1883-1944), Chen Shuren (1884-1948) and others, he was able to re-emerged as a professor at the Central University in Nanjing in 1935. By that time, Gao was already approaching his sixties. Compared with the artist’s earlier work of the same composition, the recoiling tiger alludes to Gao Jianfu’s hardship and his determination to fight back. 專家說 The expert says


來自:《六祖調心圖》(1997.0119) 作者:丁衍庸(1902-1978) 時代:現代,1968年 Origin: The Sixth Zen Patriarch in Contemplation (1997.0119) Creator: Ting Yin-yung (1902-1978) Time: Modern, dated 1968

這和尚好重呀,他是睡著了還是進入禪定狀 態呀?這兩者有分別嗎? This monk is so heavy! Is he asleep or in the Zen state of mind? Or is there any difference between?

The tiger says 候選 虎說 The tiger says 14

專家說 (傳)石恪《二祖調心圖》近代經多次發表,雖款印存疑,然畫作實為佳構,不少畫 家均有臨仿。丁公此作或亦其一。作品中與虎同眠的僧人通常被認為是天臺山國清寺 的豐干禪師(約活躍於唐貞觀年間),相傳其蓄有一虎。宋代繪畫中產生了融合國清三 隱(寒山、拾得、豐干)與虎同眠的「四睡圖」。這種僧虎同眠的情景,反映出人獸雖為異 類卻殊途同歸,以及現實與夢境纏結、人生如幻影的意象,由此可觀禪宗三昧。 While its attribution to Shike is yet to be confirmed with problematic seals and inscriptions, the painting The Second Zen Patriarch in Contemplation is indeed a brilliant work that attracted numerous re-interpretations by later artists. This piece by Ting Yin-yung might be one of these attempts. In this kind of work, the monk sleeping with a tiger is usually identified as Monk Fenggan of the Guoqing Temple in Tiantai Mountain, active in the Zhenguan period of the Tang dynasty. In the Song dynasty, the motif was developed into “The Four Asleep”, featuring the three hermits of the Guoqing Temple (Hanshan, Shide and Fenggan) and a tiger sleeping together, which brings out the unification of man and beast; reality and fantasy in the heart of Zen Buddhism. The expert says


來自:銅虎鈕巴蜀印 (1987.0118) 作者:不詳 時代:公元前四至前三世紀 Origin: Bashu Bronze Seal with a Tiger Knob (1987.0118) Creator: Anonymous Time: 4 th - 3 rd century BCE

看著我的花紋,看著我綫條優美的強壯身體吧。 你無法了解我我全部。 You can’t know me very well, can you? Look at my curves!

候選 虎說 The tiger says 16

候選 虎說 The tiger says

專家說 四川古代巴蜀文化中虎崇拜極盛,故虎紋在巴蜀器物中也大量流行,如兵器上 便常見虎符號,樂器中的錞于也多以虎鈕裝飾。印章中虎鈕罕見。本印銅虎造型生 動,紋飾細膩,其印面面積在已知巴蜀印章中偏大。考古出土類似形制者的墓葬等級 極高,故推測可能屬部落首領所有。至於印文中巴蜀符號意味目前尚未破解,內容仍 待進一步研究。 Overwhelmingly popular as the object of worship in ancient Bashu culture (present- day Sichuan), tiger motifs were extensively featured in its artifacts such as weapons and musical instruments. The feline, however, is not as commonly seen in seals. This bronze seal is ornated with a lively tiger and intricate designs, with a rather large impression surface among known Bashu seals. Found from tombs of exclusively high ranking, seals of this kind are believed to have belonged to a tribe leader, while the meanings of the signs on the seal are yet to be deciphered. The expert says


來自:《摹唐寅玉骨仙人軸》(1999.0334) 作者:方薰(1736-1799) 時代:清代,1797年 Origin: Copy of Tang Yin’s Portrait of Wu Cailuan (1999.0334)

Creator: Fang Xun (1736-1799) Time: Qing Dynasty, dated 1797

天機不可泄露呢。(意味深長的微笑) (With a mysterious smile) Oh surely I cannot tell you the secret of Heaven.

候選 虎說

The tiger says


專家說 The expert says

本作故事典出唐代裴鉶《傳奇·文簫》一 篇。唐大和末年書生文簫偶遇仙姝吳彩鸞, 後者由於泄露天機,被謪為凡人,並與文簫 成親。婚後文簫窮困而不能自贍,彩鸞便抄 寫《唐韻》一書維持家計。夫妻二人又搬至江 西越王山側的一個村落,在此「共訓童子數 十人」。十年後兩人同時跨虎升仙。作品中彩 鸞持書,身旁有虎與童子,應即反映這些記 載。 The scene came from a tale written by the Tang dynasty writer Pei Xing, which tells how the scholar Wen Xiao met and married the fairy Wu Cailuan, who was ripped of her immortality as a punishment for leaking an ethereal secret. It ends with the couple both achieving immortality ten years after they got married and disappeared into the mountains, each riding a tiger. But before the happy ending, it was said that Wen Xiao was financially unable after the marriage and Cailuan had to copy the book Tang Yun ( The Rhymes of Tang ) for a living. The couple later moved to a village in Jiangxi, where they “taught dozens of children”. In this painting, Cailuan is holding a book with a child and a tiger at her sides, which matches the descriptions in the tale.


來自:《貓虎宗親圖》(2008.0096) 作者:鄭家鎮(1918-2000) 時代:現代,1986年 Origin: A Feline Family (2008.0096) Creator: Cheng Kar-chun (1918-2000) Time: Modern, dated 1986

大老虎:我不會説話,讓小白貓說吧。 小白貓:大老虎粗獷但溫柔,讓我很有安 全感呢。請投牠一票吧! Big Tiger: I don’t talk much. Little cat, do you want to say something? Little Cat: I always feel so much protection and care from Big Tiger. Vote for him!

候選 虎說

The tiger says 20

專家說 鄭家鎮以漫畫出道,後醉心於傳統山水,旁及人物花鳥。畫獸鮮見,唯過年開歲 時偶然為之。此作融漫畫的造型技術、情節設計與傳統書畫的筆墨技巧於一身。虎與 貓、龐碩與嬌小、花與白形成了強烈對比。而其中眼神相互瞥望,以及白貓似要「捋虎 鬚」的姿態安排,使貓虎間產生出奇妙互動。 Debuting as a cartoonist, Cheng Kar-chun later devoted himself to traditional landscape, and dabbled in figure painting and flowers-and-birds. He painted animals occasionally for new year celebrations. This piece combines comics techniques of character design and story-telling with the brushwork of traditional calligraphy and painting. Large and small; striped and plain, the two animals form an interesting contrast, where their staring eyes and the affectionate touch of the cat bring out an intriguing dynamic between the big and small felines. The expert says


來自:五彩仿犀角杯 (1994.0165) 作者:德化窯陶工 時代:清康熙

Origin: Imitation rhino horn cup in overglaze wucai enamels (1994.0165) Creator: Potters in Dehua Kiln Time: Qing dynasty, Kangxi reign

我和夥伴們祝大家龍精虎猛、壽祿雙全、 高潔堅強,也祝世界六合同春! My friends and I bless you with health, longevity, prosperity and harmony!

候選 虎說 The tiger says


專家說 福建德化窯產品,以乳白釉瓷器(俗稱「中國白」)最負盛名,行銷海內外,並見 於歐美市場。此杯仿犀角杯形制,上寬下窄,外壁繪鹿、鶴、龍、虎、松、梅六組紋飾, 傳達吉祥寓意。 This cup was a product of the Dehua kilns in the Qing dynasty. The Dehua kilns in Fujian are best known for their porcelain with its monochrome milky white glaze, which was popular in both domestic and overseas markets. They are known as “Blanc de Chine” in Europe and America. This cup imitating rhino-horn cup with tapering sides features six sets of motif: deer, crane, dragon, tiger, pine and plum, which carry auspicious meanings. The expert says * 本品為「壬寅說虎」同期展覽「萬國同風:全球化浪潮中的明清外銷瓷」展品。 This is an exhibit of Enchanting Expeditions: Chinese Trade Porcelains across the Globe, a concurrent exhibition of Celebrating the Year of the Tiger .


來自:〈虎〉(《山水雜畫冊》之一)(1973.0604) 作者:蘇仁山(1814-約1850) 時代:清道光,1849年 Origin: Tiger (A leaf from the album Landscapes and More ) (1973.0604) Creator: Su Renshan (1814- c.1850) Time: Qing dynasty, Daoguang reign, dated 1849

你覺得我不像老虎? 像老虎才是好老虎嗎?哼。 Who says a tiger needs to look like a tiger? Duh.

候選 虎說

The tiger says


專家說 蘇仁山是一位被稱為「畫壇怪傑」的清代廣東畫家。此冊署款己酉(1849)七月, 為蘇仁山逝世前入獄時所作。相傳其入獄後房吏獄卒皆愛其畫,他也以此度日,故創 作頗多。原冊內容龐雜,繪有龍、虎、獅子、人物、山水、花鳥等。在序言中他談到了這 些事物需通過「聲色」而為人所知,因有是繪。總之這匹老虎近乎墨戲,體現出蘇氏鮮 明的個性。 The Qing dynasty Guangdong painter Su Renshan was known for his eccentricity. Dated the seventh month of the jiyou year (1849), the painting was created during Su Renshan’s imprisonment before he died in jail. It was said that the warden and the jailors loved his art, leading to quite a lot of creations as a means for the painter to kill time. The subject was diverse, covering dragon, tiger, lion, figures, landscape, and flowers-and-birds. He mentioned in the colophon that matters can only be known to people through their visual and aural presence. That is the reason he wanted to paint. The carefree expression of the feline is a realization of Su’s colorful character. The expert says


來自:《丁衍庸印譜》選頁 (1998.0295) 作者:丁衍庸 (1902-1978) 時代:現代 Origin: Seal Impression Album of Ting Yin-yung’s Works (Selected Page) (1998.0295) Creator: Ting Yin-yung (1902-1978) Time: Modern

就算綫條再簡單,我的大口、大眼和斑紋 還是最搶眼的! Simple-looking I might be, you just can’t miss my big jaws, big eye and gorgeous stripes!

候選 虎說

The tiger says


專家說 The expert says

丁衍庸丁公生肖屬虎,刀下不乏各具特 色的虎肖形印。此印印文為「虎之 鉩 」,巨口 內有圓目的怪獸形象可見於雲南江川李家 山古滇國墓葬中的一對金牌飾,應有所本。 Born in the Year of the Tiger, Ting Yin-yung had carved a variety of seals representing the feline. This seal reads “The Seal of the Tiger”. The beast with a round eye in a huge mouth shares resemblance with a pair of animal-shaped gold pendants unearthed from the ancient Dian tombs in Li Jia Shan, Yunnan. Ting’s carving might be based on similar ancient art.





在下⾯ 的字表中 找出題⽬的答案吧! 在下面的字表中找出題目的答案吧!

題⽬: 1. ⾹港中⽂⼤學⽂物館虎年 賀歲 展覽名稱 (4 個字 ) 2. 《風俗通義》中所記「虎」的地位 (4 個字 ) 3. 流⾏ 在 墓室中使⽤⼤型空⼼磚 的時期 (2 個字 ) 4. 《夜嘯》和《病虎》 創 作者 的合稱 (4 個字 ) 5. 居廉以僧侶出格⾔⾏,反諷道貌岸然騙徒 的作品 (4 個字 ) 6. ⽣肖屬虎 ,既是書畫家,又是篆刻家 (3 個字 ) 7. 唐朝天台⼭國清寺三位⾼僧:寒⼭、拾得、豐⼲ 的合稱 (4 個字 ) 8. 唐代裴鉶《傳奇 · ⽂簫》中,仙姝吳彩鸞抄寫 以 維持家計 的書籍 (2 個字 ) 9. 以出產乳⽩釉瓷器最負盛名,⾏銷海內外,並⾒於歐美市場 的名窯 (5 個字 ) 10. 被稱為「畫壇怪傑」的清代廣東畫家 ? (3 個字 ) 8. 唐代裴鉶《傳奇·文簫》中,仙姝吳彩鸞抄寫以維持家計的書籍 (2個字) 9. 以出產乳白釉瓷器最負盛名,行銷海內外,並見於歐美市場的名窯 (5個字) 10. 被稱為「畫壇怪傑」的清代廣東畫家 (3個字) 答案請翻頁 答案: 1. 壬寅說虎 2. 百獸之長 3. ⻄漢 4. 嶺南⼆⾼ 5. 和尚戲虎 6. 丁衍庸 7. 國清三隱 8. ⼤ 歷 沉 現 影 善 康 寅 中 納 ⼿ 丁 泡 ⼼ 頤 型 話 詞 漫 ⿁ 仙 嘯 境 衍 聖 話 醫 熊 俊 篆 公 唐 滅 ⼈ 國 庸 禪 詩 術 壬 狸 遷 和 威 洋 繼 清 風 ⾦ 尊 朝 實 亦 寅 司 尚 ⽩ 可 三 情 東 萬 幻 雲 展 ⽉ 拉 說 戲 藝 隱 刻 真 蜀 僧 電 西 漢 覽 ⺠ 愛 虎 獸 親 嶺 宗 記 諧 如 夜 陰 認 斯 華 貓 ⽣ 邦 南 ⻄ 雪 通 露 夢 浮 浪 唐 韻 題 漫 卧 ⼆ 多 琴 世 詼 ⽻ 挑 姆 弦 滑 戰 ⾺ 緬 ⾼ 同 景 長 之 獸 百 代 蘇 猜 陽 結 壁 懷 巔 蕭 ⿓ 冰 ⾰ 祖 史 仁 旅 ⾙ 福 建 德 化 窯 朱 奇 伏 ⾃ 學 ⼭ 館 古 奧 鬚 鋼 ⾏ 墨 由 念 物 ⽂ 題目: 1. 香 文大學文物館虎年賀歲展覽名稱 (4個字) 2. 義》中所記「虎」的地位 (4個字) 3. 行在 室中使用大型空心磚的時期(2個字) . 》和《病虎》創作者的合稱 (4個字) 侶出格言行,反諷道貌岸然騙徒的作品 (4個字) . 生 ,既是書畫家,又是篆刻家 (3個字) 7. 唐朝 台山國清寺三位高僧:寒山、拾得 豐干的合稱 (4個字)


Challenge Time!

Answers: 1. TING 2. CAILUAN 3. DEHUA 4. QING 5. FENGGAN 6. GESHAN 7. BASHU 8. PAINTING 9. TIGER 10. SEAL Horizontal 4. Th period when Ju Lian painted Tig r-teasing Monk 6. A school of painting. The Gao brothers were trained under this school 7. In this culture, tiger is popular as the object of worship 8. The medium of A Feline Family 10. The econd work of Ting Yin-yung featured in this magazine Horizontal 4. The period when Ju Lian painted Tiger- teasing Monk 6. A school of painting. The Gao brothers were trained under this school 7. In this culture, tiger is popular as the object of worship 8. The medium of A Feline Family 10. The second work of Ting Yin-yung featured in this magazine Vertical 1. The surname of the artist who painted The Sixth Zen Patriarch in Contemplation 2. The name of the fairy who married the scholar Wen Xiao 3. The kilns best known for porcelain with monochrome milky white glaze 5. On of the three hermits of the Guoqing Temple 9. The Demon Eat and also the chief of eas s

Vertical 1. The surname of the artist who painted The Sixth Zen Patriarch in Contemplation 2. The name of the fairy who married the scholar Wen Xiao 3. The kiln best known for porcelain with monochrome milky white glaze 5. One of the three hermits of the Guoqing Temple 9. The Demon Eater and also the chief of beasts

Find the answers next page


答案: 1. 壬寅說虎 2. 百獸之長 3. 西漢 4. 嶺南二高 5. 和尚戲虎 6. 丁衍庸 7. 國清三隱 8. 唐韻 9. 福建德化窯 10. 蘇仁山

Answers: 1. TING 6. GESHAN






10. SEAL

在揮春上寫上願望讓猛虎為你實現! Write your wish on the faichun

示範 Example

揮春畫作介紹 About the artwork in the faichun

虎 劉繼卣 (1918-1983) 鍾棋偉先生惠贈

民國畫虎展現猛獸獸性、寫實的特色 對後世影響深遠,本作即承繼了這種畫 風,為劉奎齡(1885–1967)嗣哲劉繼 卣(1918–1983)所作。在西洋畫透視、 解剖等技術支持下,動物姿態描繪更 趨寫實,配以傳統筆墨技法以及山水背 景,便得以折衷中外,博取諸長。

Tiger Liu Jiyou (1918-1983) Gift of Mr. Anthony Cheung

The emphasis of ferocity in tiger painting during Republican period has influenced later depiction of the beast, which can be exemplified by this work by Liu Jiyou (1918–1983), son of Liu Kuiling (1885– 1967). Inspired by perspective in western painting and anatomy, animal paintings become more naturalistic. Combined with traditional brushwork and landscape, the work demonstrates a fusion of Chinese andWestern styles.

「王寅說虎」展覽精選香港中文 大學文物館及懷海堂所藏逾二十項與 虎相關的文物,包括書畫、印章、陶瓷, 集中展現中國歷史上的虎文化。其中 可見虎祛邪噬魅的寓意,以及先民對 虎的崇拜。在神話和文學中,虎往往伴 隨著羅漢高僧和仙人,成為其法力神 通的印證。而藝術中各種虎的姿態和 風格,也能反映文化交流,見證時代變 遷。最後,本館亦希冀通過是次展覽, 與您共慶新春。 The Art Museum of The Chinese University of Hong Kong celebrates the Year of the Tiger with a selection of tiger- related artifacts from the collection of the museum and Huai Hai Tang. Featuring paintings, calligraphies, seals, and ceramics, the exhibition demonstrates the apotropaic nature of the fierce feline and the worship they enjoyed in traditional Chinese culture. Often depicted alongside deities and Luohan monks, tigers served as witnesses to the magical powers of immortals. Their different artistic representations also reflect cultural exchanges over time. 展期及更多資訊 More Details

如何前往文物館 Directions to the Art Museum

歡迎公眾人士參觀,免費入場。 All members of the public are welcome. Entry is free.

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