專家說 居廉在同治末光緒初創作了不少此類帶諷刺意味的人物扇面,是作即是一例。 它們以僧侶不循規蹈矩的言行,反諷道貌岸然的騙徒。和尚衣冠不整,戲虎似是戲 貓,頗有市井生活氣息,正是所謂「散僧入聖」。 From late Tongzhi reign to early Guangxu reign of the Qing dynasty, Ju Lian created a number of satirical figure paintings on fans, which can be exemplified by the present piece. By portraying wayward monks, works of such style ridicule hypocrites in the society. The unkemptly clad monk teasing a tiger as if it is a cat demonstrates that eccentricity and divinity are two sides of the same coin. The expert says
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