時光假期 Art Times #1 Beauty of the Beast (2022.02)

專家說 四川古代巴蜀文化中虎崇拜極盛,故虎紋在巴蜀器物中也大量流行,如兵器上 便常見虎符號,樂器中的錞于也多以虎鈕裝飾。印章中虎鈕罕見。本印銅虎造型生 動,紋飾細膩,其印面面積在已知巴蜀印章中偏大。考古出土類似形制者的墓葬等級 極高,故推測可能屬部落首領所有。至於印文中巴蜀符號意味目前尚未破解,內容仍 待進一步研究。 Overwhelmingly popular as the object of worship in ancient Bashu culture (present- day Sichuan), tiger motifs were extensively featured in its artifacts such as weapons and musical instruments. The feline, however, is not as commonly seen in seals. This bronze seal is ornated with a lively tiger and intricate designs, with a rather large impression surface among known Bashu seals. Found from tombs of exclusively high ranking, seals of this kind are believed to have belonged to a tribe leader, while the meanings of the signs on the seal are yet to be deciphered. The expert says


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