時光假期 Art Times #1 Beauty of the Beast (2022.02)

專家說 虎在漢代文獻中往往與祛邪相關。如《論衡》引《山海經》就曾記載虎食惡鬼以守 鬼門的故事;《風俗通義》則記「虎者,陽物,百獸之長也。能執摶挫銳,噬食鬼魅…畫 虎於門,鬼不敢入。」漢墓磚中常見繪虎,或表達了類似的喻意。此類墓磚在歷史上也 不乏出土,後人亦有將其移作他用者,例如明清文獻中就記載了一種雅致的用法:利 用其空心的結構作琴几架琴,演奏時可以擴音。 Tigers are often considered in relation with its apotropaic nature in the Han Dynasty. Stories of tigers consuming and warding off evil spirits at the gates of the underworld are documented in various books, which perhaps could explain the common presence of the beast on Han burial bricks. Such excavated burial bricks were often repurposed by later generations. For example, it was recorded in Ming and Qing documents that a hollow brick can be used for acoustic amplification when put under a guqin during performance. The expert says


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